Chapter Twenty Two: Friends & Family

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Chapter 22: Friends & Family

"Come on! No, not this way, your fist should be-"

"Would you just shut up?!" I shouted at Ryan, hardly breathing. I inhaled a deep breath and sat down on the ground. "I'm trying here."

"You're a lot more to handle than I thought," he sighed sitting down beside me. He uncapped his water bottle and offered me.

"Well I'm not the one who's been taking combat training for years," I deadpan.

"It's the ambition that matters here," he said back.

That made me furious. "You tell me," I said each and every word slowly, "That that boy has any desire to achieve something?" I pointed at the sandy hair boy who was currently busy with munching chips.

Caleb was looking inside the packet to see if anything was left inside when he felt us glaring at him. He surrendered his hands. "What?"

Ryan rolled his eyes and looked at me. "Let's start over again."

And he continued training me. According to everyone, if I wish to work with them, I should learn at least a little self-defense. At first I thought it would be fun. Only to realize Ryan wasn't a patient teacher at all.

Okay he was. A lot more patient than I thought. But it's not my fault I skipped gym for years.

It wasn't like we weren't getting any progress but according to Ryan, it wasn't enough. He and Phoebe will leave today, after Phoebe gets up. Caleb showed no interest in teaching me and Noah can hardly defend himself.

The next hour went with him teaching me self defense. I learned a move or two when my body finally gave up and I limped and fell on the ground.

"Get up Stella," Ryan said while catching his own breath too and when I show no effort of getting up, he sat down beside me. Few days were left before Christmas but it still hasn't snowed in Seattle. But the weather was cold. Icy wind blew past us making me shudder.

Ryan glanced down at me and finally held out a hand. I took it and leaned against him.

"Is it always going to be this hard? If yes then I'm leaving."

Ryan chuckled. Then he said softly, "Only at first. But you'll get used to it. It seems hard cause you're- uh- unfit?"

I didn't have enough energy to glare at him or find any comeback. Instead I lay my head on his shoulder and snuggled closer.

If he didn't approve, he didn't show it. Instead he drew an arm around me.

"That's tiring?" I nodded.

"When I told you to be her trainer," said a voice from behind us. "Or approve to be friends with her, I didn't expect things to go this far."

It was magical how I-can't-move-spare-me jerked up instantly. But seeing Ryan on his feet faster than me was a more stunning sight.

And there, between two oak trees stood my father, Stefan. He had his arms crossed and most certainly didn't look amused.

He directly looked at Ryan. "I thought I could trust you with her. You boy-" he pointed a finger at him. "How dare you to lay a hand on my daughter before asking for my approval. I could've let me pass easily but now, you broke a rule."

"Dad!" I exclaimed, my cheeks warm up. "Stop stalking us. He-" I pointed at Ryan, "and me, have nothing going on."

Pretty soon I realized my mistake. The word slipped my tongue. Even Ryan, who just seemed to figure out the ground was his mate, looked up at me with a cool stare.

The crossed arms of da-Stefan fall down. I didn't let my gaze meet any of them. But then I hear a sob.

I first looked at Ryan. But he seemed to be quite amused, the corner of his mouth almost switched up, which was more than the motion he calls smiling.

I followed his eyes and they landed on my very own father. What is the name of-

"Sorry kids," he wiped his tears. "I get a little emotional very easily."

We can tell. "I'm sorry. If you don't want me to call you-"

"No, no!" He stopped me. "I want you to."

Oh, I thought. Never mind. I couldn't believe what I had done.

Do you like, ever grow up? He IS your father.

Okay, it was very stubborn of me to still hold both of them. But they were the one-

Just stop even thinking.

Wow, I think I'm growing crazy.

Then dad walked down to me and hugged me. Even to my surprise, I hugged back.

When he let go, Ryan was beside me. "So Ryan Phoebe is up and your dad called. You guys should start for home now. It may snow tonight." Then he looked between me and Ryan.

"Don't think I've let you two go," he said. "You two better stay at least twenty feet away from each other. I'm still in my forties and have a five-year daughter. I'm not ready to be grandpa yet."

"Dad!" I blushed like a lobster. I found Ryan going pink too.

"Okay sir," Ryan said the last part mockingly. Then he grabbed my arm and led me back to the mansion. "Not in ten years that's for sure." He added slyly, making my eyes widened.

"Hey that also means no touching!" Dad yelled.

But we were already out of his sight. I was blushing all the way back.

Phoebe was already packed and ready to go when we reached the mansion. She didn't know about our training so we told her we were walking around.

Ryan excused himself for packing leaving me with his monstrous sister. She looked amazing yet scary enough.



She squealed. "I KNEW IT." She fist-pumped. "Tyler owes me fifty bucks."

And she left a jaw-dropping me to collect her debt. I sighed.

Some friends I have.

Ryan came down in a few minutes in a fresh leather jacket and jeans, his backpack slung over one of his shoulders. His hair was dumped so I guessed he took a shower too.

"Don't miss me too much Princess."

"You're lucky that I tolerate you, you Ogre," I murmured. Though the last thing he did was that, who said he needs to know that?

He walked up to me and leaned down, then whispered in my ears, "Will miss you too princess." His breath was fanning my cheek.

He stepped back and smirked before turning around without another word. I silently followed him. Phoebe was waiting for him by his car and they were going to give Tyler a lift as Aaron and Alison ditched him earlier when they were his ride.

Ryan gave one last mocking salute, showing off his dimples and light blond hair shining in the sunlight was making his features more intolerable. His glasses were gone, again, and I had to say, black was his color.

So even when he left, I couldn't wipe the picture out of my head.

The reason I was grateful to Jenn when she tugged my sleeves which was a good distraction. I was surprised since we barely talked.

"Stop dreaming over your loverboy and go get ready." I looked at her confused. "Your worst nightmare is about to come true."

And she left.

I asked Laura about it later. She informed me that my maternal grandparents were coming. She said not to worry much about it and take my siblings seriously.

But if the warning was from Jenn to me, it was something to worry about.

Ignore the minor mistakes and vote & share if you like it.
Love, Sheona.

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