Chapter Fifty Two: Treachery & Shots

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Chapter 52: Treachery and Shots

Jordan and his ugliness was making me sick. Jordan looked lot older than before, not a misguided teen, but a murderous man.

Without realizing, I started stepping back until I heard a pebble fell down to the stream.

It was a dead end. Jordan's men were surrounding us from all the other ways. There was no escape route for us.

I gulped.

There were six agents with us, but the amount of his gang was more than two dozen. They were in every direction blocking our way out.

Jordan's gaze ran down all of us, then rested it on me. "I have to say I've underestimated you." He shook his head. "Stefan Finch's daughter coming back from abroad whose name was also Stella? I should've thought about it before. Though it doesn't matter anymore. Because we've got here in time."

"How do you know we were here? Last time I checked you were in the US," Ryan told him. His fists clenched by his side.

"Last time I checked all of you were still in the states," he grinned, displaying his set of yellow teeth. "Also, I have my sources. As I've said before, you can run, but you can't hide forever."

My heart skipped. My mind went back to the day he was arrested. He yelled the exact same words.

I thought we agreed not to think about that again, my inner voice said. It's not time to look back, keep your head focused.

Yeah right. I'm not that scared little girl anymore.

"Who told you about us? Jeff?" Caleb asked with exact hatred.

Of course Jeff did it. That traitor! We should never had-

"Not him," Jordan's voice was like poison. "That traitorous bastard! He should've told me you were here too."

There was a series of gasps."You didn't know we were here?" Ryan asked.

"You think you would've made it so far if we knew? Our useful recourse called us yesterday. She said Stella Morris was back in town with her boyfriend. We were after her. I knew she was lying when she told me she didn't know about the file. So I paid her nice neighbor lady to call us if Stella Morris ever comes back."

Rosa? I should've known she would be up to something like this. That greedy money-obsessed gossiper!

"I have to admit I gave up hope on that. But then life can never stop amusing us."

"We got on the first flight we could. But I'm surprised to find all my enemies in the same league."

"So Jeff has nothing to do with all of this?" Miles asked. His hand was under his coat. Was he reaching for his gun?

"No," Jordan said lividly. "He seemed off for too long, I should've kept an eye on him. How could he betray his own blood?"

"Well what they say about the justice wins over blood isn't a lie after all," Caleb mocked.

Corner of Jordan's lips twisted. "Oh really? Looks like that makes you the bad guys too."

Scott gasped. "Why are we still hearing him?" Huh, since when does he give his opinion on matters?

"Stop bullshitting," Ryan warned him.

"Am I now?" He smirked. "Why don't you ask that friend of yours?" His men sneered behind him. "Stella Morris, or is it Stella Finch now? How don't you ask your beloved brother what he did?"

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