Chapter Twenty Nine: Love & Jealousy

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Chapter 29: Young and Jealous

Sleep! Ah, the best place in the world, life feels so light and warm in there. As long as you don't have nightmares. Or traumatized. Till two years after Luna's death, I always had a hard time going back to that world, every time I closed my eyes, I felt like I was back in that creepy murderous warehouse where we were kept captive. It was so stupid and lame, to keep two children captive for weeks. I could smell that stained atmosphere, and that could keep me up all night.

It was till I started visiting a psychologist, Doctor Ann, or something. But she wasn't helping me the way she should have. So I took the matters in my hand, and busied myself with other things. So in the end, when I used to go to bed after one in the morning or something, and I used to be so tired that after a time, I would sleep a dreamless sleep. It didn't exactly always work, but it helped. Better than all other attempts.

Since then, I have fallen into a habit of deep sleep, with some other requirements. Like, comfortable bed, no lights, and soft pillows of course.

But wherever I was sleeping, it wasn't comfortable, nor the lights were turned off or the pillow was soft, I groaned and turned around, resulting in me to fall on the ground with a loud thud.

I groaned loudly this time and rubbed my eyes, couldn't these people turn like a few more lights on?

Just then, I heard a door creaked open not far from where I was sitting. Seconds later, Ryan came inside the room with wet hair, thankfully fully clothed. Okay, he was in the process of wearing his t-shirt. It felt so awkward, staring at guy clothing. He might've forgotten I was in the room too because he didn't look in my direction until I cleared my throat to get his attention.

His eyes first landed on the bed, then trailed down and stopped when they landed on me.

He fixed his t-shirt and then smirked. "Enjoying the view from there?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Very much, so much so that I think I'm gonna puke."

"That must be because of the number of drinks you had," he muttered to himself. "How many?"

"How many what?" My head was hurting so badly that I might end up murdering him if he doesn't stop what he was doing soon.

"How many drinks did you take? More likely what type?"

"I'm not sure about the first two bottles," I trailed. "But the next two or three glasses were champagne maybe."

He looked shocked but quickly hid it. "It wasn't a good idea. Especially when it was your first time and when you have no idea about your limits."

I gaped, I might even look like a goldfish. "How do you know?!"

"You muttered in your sleep." He replied dryly.

This time I almost screamed. "Sleep? Do you mean, did we- did we slept-"

"Don't be ridiculous princess. It's still two in the morning. You passed out in the backyard, so I had to carry you upstairs. It's a guest bedroom so don't worry about being kicked out anytime soon." Ryan rolled his eyes as he turned around to the mirror fixing his hair.

Boys and their stupid obsession with hair and car. How much hair do they have that needs hours of special treatment?

Though Ryan was done in a minute or two, as if to prove my unspoken theory wrong. He handed me a glass of water and Tylenol.
"Have it, you'll feel better."

I started remembering some events of the evening and let's just say, I think I should keep them to myself, I mean no one knows, right? "How much did you drink Ryan?" I asked. "As much as I remember, you were pretty sober the whole time."

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