Chapter Nineteen: Gummy Bears, Oreos & Skittles

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Chapter 19: Gummy Bears, Oreos & Skittles

It wasn't hard to find Ryan in a house full of horny kids.

Really it wasn't. Just getting bumped into few dozens, kicking where the sun doesn't shine of five or six perverts, three tours of the whole first floor, flying up the stairs half dozen of times, and when I hardly had any breath left and gave up any hope that lasted, I found him relaxing leaning back on a couch in the living room with a bottle of beer. His back was facing me.

"Can't you just leave me alone for a day?" He groaned, without turning around.

I approached in front of him. "How did you know it was me? It could've been Taylor Swift too," I deadpanned.

"Cause if it was her she already would've been on her knees in front of me."

I rolled my eyes. Narcissists. "And what would've been the reason? Your not-so-charming personality? Or your ugly face?" The later one was a lie but he didn't need to know that to boost his ego.

He finally looked at me, a smile in the corner of his face. "Cause no one else can annoy the hell out of me like you and your crow-like voice."

I felt a mixture of emotions inside me. One to kiss the life out of him, not that I would've, and another one to strangle him to death. But they both had to take a backseat.

"I'm flattered Anderson," I said, making space for myself beside him.

"Glad to know, Finch."

My phone vibrated and I got a text message Christine. Real shocker.

'I'm sorry, lots of school craps and assignments, get back to you later', it said.

Weird, since she always had a hard time convincing herself to finish schoolwork and craps.

I shrugged and called Zara. Just one last try, I told myself.

She picked on the second call.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Stella?"

"Oh I'm sorry girl, you should've told me you got a new number, it's not saved in my phone."

Yeah of course, it's the very same number I'm calling you from the day I moved here.

But instead I replied, "No big deal, anyway, happy birthday, you're a big girl now."


"You got the present I sent?"

"Yeah, Alex brought it this morning. Thank you so much it's so beautiful."

"You're well-"

"Hey I gotta go, Christine is back from the grocery. We're preparing for the party tonight. And thanks again." And thus she cut the call.

I stared at the phone.

So much for school craps and assignments? I should've known better.

"Did your boyfriend just break up with you?" Ryan said from the other side of the couch.

I stared blankly at him. He gestured at my phone amusingly. "The call. It was your boyfriend? Or should I say 'ex-boyfriend'?"

I rolled my eyes. "None of your business."

My blank reply slapped the smirk out of his face. He straightened on the couch, scooted nearer and put his hands over mine on my lap. "Seriously Stella, what happened?"

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