Chapter Thirty Four: Storm & After

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Quick note: if you guys are enjoying A Silver Lining, check out my other book High School Survival Theory on my profile! It's completed now!!!!

Chapter 34: Storms and Afterwarmth

The students of Lakeside looked as if they were never been so happy to be at school that day. They were hugging, kissing, making out, taking selfies wherever they could. If this is what they do after midyear exams plus winter vacation, I wonder what they do after every Summer.

As for me, things were kind of the polar opposite, not that I was surprised. Christmas, end of fall semester aka midterm, and after all the shits I came back to school running and tripping, occasionally jumping.

It started with Len and Scott, who actually forgot that I went to the same school with them and left without me. Me being me, grabbed a toast and ran after the car which speeded away and I screamed and ran after it as fast as I could.

And it took the other car driver five minutes to catch me up. When I reached school I thought I would miss the homeroom, so I didn't visit my locker and carried my books all the way to my homeroom. Instead of a furious Mr. Rodrick, our homeroom teacher, fuming at me, I found my hormonal classmates, and paper balls. Sighing, half relieved, half tired, I settled down in the back.

When Mr. Rodrick came in after a good five minutes, I noticed a golden head following after him who sat down across me in the back.

I smirked. He was breathing heavily and tried to avoid any kind of eye contact with me.

"Joined my team at last Aaron?" I said.

He, being he, pretended I didn't exist.

I shook my head and concentrated in the front of the class.

As usual, the teacher took our attendance and gave some moral lectures before starting a new semester. When the warning bell rang, he permitted us to leave.

"Miss Finch, can I have a moment with you?" Mr. Rodrick called after me.

"Sure," I walked back in the class. "Is everything okay Mr. Rodrick?"

He was checking some papers. He looked at me. "Yes, Miss Finch, everything is fine. I need to talk to you about your academics."

"You see, I was checking all of my students' reports of this year so far." He informed me. "You are doing a great job. For someone joining halfway through the semester, your performance is appreciable."

"Thank you sir."

"But there's a minor problem," he continued. "I think you are having a little problem with Physics."

Huh? Physics? I almost laughed.

"Are you sure it's physics? Not biology or history?" I asked him. There was no way I'm behind in physics, I mean that's my most favorite subject.

"No Miss Finch. I already double-checked. Here's your report," he handed me my physics report of the past semester.

What I saw was a flipping sight. Not only I didn't get any A star, but most of my scores were either B or C. So my average score was B.

I double-checked my name. It was mine. I was on the verge of tears. But that would be really lame.

I handed it back to Mr. Rodrick.

"Are you sure you're not facing any problem with physics?" He asked me. "It can happen with any student, nothing to be embarrassed about."

I shook my head. I know where the problem was. It's Mr. Paul, our physics teacher. He can't stand me! He did it on purpose. I got that message pretty clearly throughout the last two months.

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