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Nora was finally back, after her vanishing and the Crisis, Barry and Iris had completely lost hope of seeing her again, instead she was there with them almost as if nothing had happened, but not only that, with her was her brother Bart.
Everything seemed to be back in the right place but there was something strange ...

...since they arrived they had been acting weird especially with Iris, Nora was weird when they talk, just like the First Time she went back in time, in the other timeline.
Bart was even weirder than her, he hadn't talked to Iris alone for longer than 5 minutes, even stranger was that despite the affection he felt towards her and all the vicissitudes, he had never called her MOM.

Iris immediately realized that something was wrong, and kept thinking about it day and night, after 2 weeks waiting for that word, MOM, that kept being denied, she had come to lose sleep. Despite being good at hiding the nervousness, you could see it in her face, it was clear as day... Everyone wanted to know her worries, but she either denied or invented excuses such as problems with the newspaper or anxiety about new enemies threatening the safety of their family.

Every day Iris would postpone the fateful question "Why didn't you ever call me MOM?"
In the end the days passed and for the two young speedsters of the future it was time to leave, to go home, and even on that occasion that word was denied her.
Her heart was almost shattered, as soon as she was alone she start crying, thinking and rethinking what could be the reason for what seemed to her a real refusal.

"Iris, where are you?" Barry asked, concerned about his wife's mysterious absence.

"Here..." Iris replied, trying to stop crying.

"Are you okay? Why are you crying? Is it because Nora and Bart left?" He asked.

"Um ... yes ... it's just that I already miss them" she said, lying in part "I wish I could have spent more time with them, especially with Bart, we haven't spent so much time alone together, me and him."

"I know... I miss them too, but don't worry! As they said too, we will see them again in the future and we will live the best moments of their lives. Can you imagine their first smile, their first steps, their first word... just think about when they will call us, for the first time, Mom and Dad!" Barry said with tears of happiness starting to run down his cheeks.

As soon as Barry finished speaking Iris jumped up and ran away saying "I'm sorry but I have ... an article that absolutely must be published by tomorrow morning ... I have to go", the truth was very different, the beautiful words of her husband had had the opposite effect making her weigh even more that word so denied to her: MOM.

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