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Iris went back to the bathroom, looking at the broken mirror she smiled, she was happy, she hadn't ruined everything...

she ran to the Star laboratories, entering the Cortex where everyone was, took a deep breath and said

"Nora, Bart, Cassie, can I talk to you three alone?"

"Sure" they answered in chorus

The four moved into the living room, after sitting on the sofa Iris said

"I took the time sphere, I was in the future, I discovered everything, can we talk about it?"

"Aunt Iris, I love you but ... How do we know you're not trying to find out the truth with an excuse? You taught me that you don't have to take a story for true without irrefutable proof" Cassie said

Iris smiled and handed the Medallion to Nora reciting the sentence written inside it

"Dear Cait,

you did not give me life

but you raised me

it's only thanks to you if today

I am what I am

thanks for everything

I love you mom

                               ....... Nora    "

"Have you really been in the future?" Bart asked hoping to hear something

"Yes, I have something for you from...me" Iris replied handing Bart the package.

This contained a letter glued to a stiff brown envelope

"Bart my son, I'm sorry I didn't understand what I really needed, I realized that I can't give you an obligation in your adult life, you just wanted my support, I'm sorry I was wrong despite having lived the same thing when I wanted to enter police and grandpa Joe stopped me.
I found a way to be forgiven, open the envelope"

In the envelope there was a smaller envelope and three badges, they were all press passes of the CCPN, CATCO and the Daily Planet, on the outside of the smaller envelope there was an inscription,

"I'm sorry we haven't talked to each other since you told me you didn't want to continue your studies and journalism full time without a degree, I hope you will forgive me.
I love you Bart "

Bart opened the smaller envelope, inside was another Press Pass, marked Reporter Central City Citizen.

Bart was happy as never before, his mother had finally understood, and had given him what he most wanted the chance to prove that he can do the job he so admires on his own, not only had she agreed to hire him as a reporter, not as an assistant.

Thinking about all this he hugged Iris and said

"Sorry if for what the future you had done I kept you away, I'm sorry MOM"

"Bart is okay, I'm happy that in the end we are a family, despite everything ..." Iris answered hugging him, then looking at the girls she said "... and you two who are waiting come here !!"

Cassie and Nora joined the embrace and stayed like that for an endless time, until Barry came running in saying "Come on Caitlin has woken up."

shortly before

Caitlin was finally awake, her eyes still clouded, it took her a while before she realized that Barry was in the chair next to her bed and was shaking her hand.

"Cait, you're finally awake !!" Barry said hugging her "I was afraid I lost you!"

"Barry, I'm fine ... Cassie instead she ...?"

"Our daughter is fine, calm"

"You know ... it's strange..."

"What, Cait?"

"The phrase Our Daughter, Barry ... but strange in a good way ... seeing that girl, my daughter indeed our daughter, fills my heart with joy."

"It's the same for me Cait"

"Yes, she is the fruit of a true love, the greatest of all, not a simple one but a true one"

Caitlin suddenly frowned, and bowed her head

"Hey Cait, what's wrong with you?"

"It's just ... I don't know, I feel like I'm ruining the life between you and Iris, I don't know if you noticed but Nora is strange to me, I think she hates me!
When we talk, before saying my name or she interrupts or stutters ...
I think we will have problems in the future "

"Don't say that Cait! I'm sure it's not true that she hates you. I'm sure she loves you, I mean who wouldn't love you !?"

"Is this a way of saying that you love me?" Caitlin asked smiling

Barry didn't answer just blushing, she did the same, they stayed that way until he got up and said

"I'm going ... to tell the others that you have recovered"

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