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25 December 2049 at 11.30 A.M.

"Can I come in?" Iris asked as she approached the wide open front door

"If it were my decision, the answer would be NO!" Frost said

"Frost... it's been 5 years! Almost... "Iris said

"I do not care! You nearly killed Nora, then you tried to take her away from us! Not to mention you freaked out when Barry rebuilt his life, and you did the same thing! "

"Frost!" Caitlin yelled, making her sister stop talking "You know it's not that simple ... what happened is very different ... Besides, everyone has the right to be happy!"

"Caity... I'll never understand how you forgive everyone so easily," Frost said walking into the kitchen

"Come in Iris," Barry said

"Thanks Barry, thanks to you too Caitlin for defending me from Frost, I don't think she'll ever forgive me ..."

"She's just scared of what happened to Ronnie," Barry said

"Yes, I found out ... is he still under anesthesia?"

"Drug coma" Caitlin said

"But didn't he wake up?"

"Yes, but the hospital doctors preferred to do it this way, to allow the brain hematoma to shrink"

"Thank goodness!" Cassie yelled as she entered the front door out of breath

"What happened? Why are you out of breath? " Barry asked

"I'm short on time, literally, my powers have been weakened by Darkest Thunder, so I ran normally, for 2 mile...."

"Rose, honey, get right to the point," Caitlin said smiling

"Yes that's right! Iris I need you to tell me exactly everything you remember about the night you disappeared, maybe I have a theory to solve it!"

"What do you mean?" Caitlin asked

"If everything goes as I think I will explain it to you when I get back ... now Iris tell me everything, meanwhile dad would you give me a courier of the time? I need it to go back ... "

"Okay Cassie, I'll tell you everything I remember ... maybe now we'll find out what happened to me" said Iris

"In the meantime, I'll take the courier of the time"

"Ok Cassie, I'll tell you everything I remember, but I don't know how accurate that can be ... I've been rethinking that memory every night for the last few years ..."

"But wouldn't that make their memories even more precise?" Caitlin asked

"Actually no. According to numerous studies carried out by the army and numerous federal agencies, in particular the CIA and the FBI, it has been shown that even a question can radically change a memory, which is why soldiers who experience trauma and must remember everything in order to a mission are undergoing regressive hypnosis! "

"Wow! I missed this one! How did you know Iris?" Caitlin said

"I studied psychology, remember Caitlin? Can I continue now?"

"Sorry Iris ... go on," Cassie said

"We were returning from the hospital, Bart had been born for three days, but the doctors, given the long labor, had preferred to keep me under observation.
The drive had been pretty smooth, Bart had been asleep most of the time.
We had arrived in the driveway, it was late and I was tired, I hadn't slept in the hospital, so we had asked to be left alone for that first night.
As Barry was entering, I heard a rustle, as if someone was hiding behind the corner, I went over to look ...
I just remember seeing a huge wave of green-blue energy, when it hit me my hair stood on end, I saw all white and I felt a weird metal taste in my mouth ... the only thing I remember was one strange face, black, maybe dark blue ...

I think I fainted, because I found myself on the ground, with a strange feeling, as if my skin was burning from the inside ... I went into the house and discovered that 5 years had passed ... "

"Do you remember anything else? Even a small detail could be useful to me! "

"No! Of course not! I would have said that years ago! "

"OK, describe to me exactly what you felt when the wave of energy went through you!"

"Well .. I felt my hair standing on end ... then"

"What about the hairs on your body?"

"What?" Iris asked dazedly

"Did only your hair on your head stand on end, or did all of your hair stand out?"

"What's the difference? Then I shave!"

"Sorry, you're not a doctor, you didn't understand what I was referring to ... did you have goosebumps, chills or something like that, or did your hair simply stand up, as if the tips were floating?"

"What's the difference?"

"There is a lot of difference! Goosebumps are regulated by the contraction of an erector muscle, connected to the base of the hair bulb, it is an ancestral heritage, it was used by mammals to protect themselves from the cold by trapping the air in their fur ... in humans it is practically useless.
Floating hair, on the other hand, is linked to external interactions such as electromagnetic fields, or other phenomena that I don't have to waste time explaining to you!
In summary ... answer! "

"As if they were floating"

"Well ... what kind of taste did you smell in your mouth?"

"Metallic?" Iris said, almost asking, since she didn't understand the reasons for such meticulousness

"YES I understand, but which metal in particular?"

"How do I know? I don't usually eat metal!"

"So how did you know it tasted like metal? Come on, tell me if it was like the taste you feel after taking medicines like those for hypertension, or something else "

"Something different ... I think"

"Great! Have you felt anything else? Muscles that stiffened? Muscles relaxing? A stabbing pain as if you were burning from the inside? "

"Cassie! You're starting to scare me ... if you do it on purpose I won't answer anymore! "

"ANSWER OR I REALLY SCARE YOU!" Cassie said with white eyes and a ringing voice

"Okay, No ... I just felt something when I woke up"

"Where exactly? Have you got any scars since then? Anything I can use? "

"I felt pain everywhere and it left no scars"

"Have you ever seen this wave again? And if so, Where? "

"Now that I think about it, I saw her years ago, when I met ... my partner. BUT it didn't hit me ... maybe it hit him "

"Ok where is he now? I have to talk to him!"

"He's in Chicago, at our house, he couldn't come for work and he didn't want to be threatened by Frost, or Nora, or you ..."

"Perfect! I'm going to him! Maybe for once here on Earth Prime, Eddie Thawne will help!" Cassie said as she ran away

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