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Normal cholesterol levels ... the others are a little weird ... "

"What do you mean?"

"Well according to the blood count data you have low red blood cells and...." Nora stopped speaking and punched the table

"Luckily you didn't want to confront me with a fait accompli!"

"What do you mean?"

"The hCG level ..."

"What does it mean, Nora? I'm not a scientist"

"You're pregnant! Nearly the third month according to the values! Given your age it is not something random, you are 55 years old!"

"Nora ... yes we were trying... I had frozen the eggs when you were little, we didn't know what the future would hold for us ... I didn't tell you about it just because we didn't want to risk it"

"Why?" Nora said in tears

"My darling, I just told you!"

"Not this! Why do you have a family after you leave me and Bart, while I lost mine?" Nora said as she ran off at super speed.

Nora sat down in the lounge of the STAR Labs and tried to fall asleep, it was only 8 pm, but it was already dark outside.

As she was about to fall asleep Bart walked over to her and hugged her.

"Don't worry Nora, don't cry, it wasn't your fault!"

"Why are you hugging me?"

"For what happened, you were sad and wanted to be alone. For this reason you ignored all my calls in the last 30 minutes?"

"Don't know what you're talking about? I was talking to my mother "

"But you weren't in the infirmary! Did you travel through time or something? "

"I meant Iris, about Caitlin... did she wake up?"

"She fell asleep just now ... Why were you in Chicago?"

"These days I wasn't nervous about Darkest Thunder and Nightmare Girl, but because Jack left me! We will get divorced before Christmas! ... Going back to my first question, why did you hug me? "

As Bart was about to answer, Cassie walked into the living room and seeing her sister walked up to her, and hugged her saying:

"Nora you are here! It wasn't your fault! We should have told you ... "

"What are you talking about?"

"Nora, Nightmare Girl, she ... she died 30 minutes ago ... your lightning bolt set in motion a self-destruct reaction of her alien cells ..."

end of flashback

"Did you find out she was dead, after arguing with your mother, the day you found out that your wife left you because she was pregnant with your best friend!?" Caitlin said in shock

"Yes!" Nora said in tears "The world collapsed on me ... I wanted to talk about it with you and Dad, but your health was more important, I'm sorry!"

"Did you go through all this alone?"

"No, I talked to a psychologist, a friend of mine, someone who knows my identity, he helped me a lot! But talking to you would have helped me more!"

"Anyway, You haven't read the letter she left you for Christmas, she told me you would understand what she had been through ..."

"Why should I read it, she has abandoned me!"

"She didn't abandon you, you know what happened!"

"She didn't come back for me, she came back for Dawn! For those two letters of her name H.I."

"Hope Iris ... you know she was sick! For staying in the mirrorverse, for the effects of the time sickness, then after everything came back it hit her again ..."

"It doesn't change the fact that she didn't come back for me, but for someone who is nothing to her! For me Dawn is the little sister who took my highlighters that I used for college appointments and used them to draw!"

"You know how much Iris loves Dawn, as much as ..."


"Nora, my Little One, why did you react like that?"

"Sorry, all this drives me crazy ...
The reason I screamed is that you loved me, and still love me, like a daughter ...
Iris... my biggest fear was that Iris would replace me with Dawn... Now she is even pregnant!
Then Darkest Thunder... But with your help, we'll be able to catch him, and we'll be back just in time to celebrate! "

"No darling, I have to go back, you three have to capture him!"

"Okay mom..."

"Can you do something for me Nora?"

"Of course!"

"Read it," Caitlin said, handing Nora the letter from Iris

"Okay Mom"

few days later

It had been a few days, the whole Flash team was working on a plan to stop Darkest Thunder, they had decided to recycle the idea used to capture Savitar, however they had had to modify it to make it work.

It was finally time for the final battle, they had decided to lure him into a trap, in a field outside the city.

"We're in position!" Cassie said

"Great, now get ready!" Iris said

As Iris spoke Darkest Thunder appeared in front of the four speedsters coming out of a green-blue breach

"Allen family, I'm happy to meet you, are you finally ready to die?"

"No! We are ready to trap you forever!" Barry said taking the Speed ​​Force Bazooka

"That device never worked! Or rather, you have never been able to make it work! What makes you think that something will change? " Darkest Thunder asked

"This time we have a Nobel Prize in Physics from the future on our side!" Barry said

"Try it!" Darkest Thunder said laughing

"I warned you," Barry said, hitting the Darkest Thunder hard with the Speed ​​Force Bazooka

"We did it," Cassie said as she hugged Nora

While the four were celebrating, the Speed ​​Force Bazooka was hit in full by a blue-green lightning bolt that caused it to explode.

"Barry! Are you okay? What happened?" Iris asked from communications

"We're fine mom, we have only a few scratches, thankfully!" Nora said

"Just for now," Darkest Thunder said, stabbing Nora in the stomach with a vibrating hand

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