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It was now December 8, the day of the wedding.

Being both widowers they had been able to have a great wedding in the Church with all the invited friends, at 10.00 in the morning punctual as a Swiss clock Caitlin entered the church accompanied by Joe, it was the most beautiful day of her life excluding when Bart and Nora called her MOM for the first time.

After 20 minutes they were officially Mr. and Mrs. Allen, or rather to the audience they were, Caitlin had proposed to Barry to legally use Snow-Allen but to use Dr. Snow at work, and Mrs. Allen at home, as much as she loved the sound of Caitlin Allen, she didn't want to give up the surname Snow.

After the ceremony, Caitlin ran to hug Nora and Bart, the ones she defined as her children and who considered her their mother were now her children in all aspects from a legal point of view, in fact, together with the marriage certificate she had signed one of adoption, she had finally become their mother.

It was December 24th the first Christmas Eve of the married couple, they had decided to spend the evening at Joe's, together with the whole family, of which Caitlin had long been part in all respects...
She and Barry had a similar story, both had lost a parent when they were small and with the other they had had problems having a real relationship (she due to the absence ofher mother, he due to the unjust arrest of his father) only after some time Barry had found a new family that had him welcomed and loved and now she too was part of that family.

"Caitlin, you don't have to help us with dinner. Enjoy your first Christmas as Mrs. Allen" Cecile said

"Being here already is something wonderful, I could not wish for more, you make me feel at home, the least I can do is help with dinner, at least with sweets, they are my and Nora's specialty" replied Caitlin

"Okay but don't forget that you are a guest, indeed the guest of honor you shouldn't cook".

It was stronger than her, Caitlin felt indebted to everyone, Barry for all the times he had helped her, to Joe for how he had welcomed her by making her feel like a daughter, not making her believe she was replacing Iris, even though she was as soon as she entered that family she seemed to have always been a part of it.

"Mom, are you coming to play with us?" Nora asked Caitlin leaving her speechless, she had been calling her that for a long time but she still wasn't used to it.

"Of course, Nora, I'm coming now" she replied while tears of joy fell, everyone looked at her, and smiled, it was impossible to do otherwise seeing the love she felt for those children.

January 2034

It was 10:30 am Barry was at CCPD, working on a case in his lab, was focused looking at fibers with the microscope, when he heard the door open, his eyes growing and he saw Caitlin with tears in her eyes running towards of him and hugged him

"Cait, are you okay, did something happen?" He asked worried

"No ... mine are tears of joy, do you remember at Christmas when I said there was nothing more beautiful I could wish for?"

"Yes Cait but what does it have to do with it?"

"Well I lied"

"In what sense ... What are you talking about?"

"There was only one thing I would have liked more, but I didn't mention it because I didn't think it was possible anymore... I'm pregnant Barry !!!"

"That's great Cait !!! How long have you known?"

"Since this morning, I've taken the test twice, I've also done blood tests at the Star laboratories, I can't believe it at my age, and we weren't even trying"

"I love you Cait, I couldn't be happier !!"

As the two started hugging, Joe walked in, "Barry, Ah Caitlin, you're both there, well a friend of Cecile's invited us to an evening in her club, it's a wine tasting, what do you think?"

Barry smiled at his wife and said "We'd love to but Caitlin for ... medical reasons won't be able to drink alcohol for some time."

"Ah... what do you mean? For how long?" Joe asked

"For 9 months..." Caitlin said smiling

"Are you pregnant ... since when ?? How ??? How long have you known?" Joe asked

"Since this morning, I told Barry a little while ago" Caitlin replied "How it feels to have another grandson?"

"Another ... grandson?" Joe asked with shining eyes

"Sure Joe, you adopted me, you were a father to me, he will be your grandson in all respects" said Barry making him cry for joy

"Thanks ..." Joe said as he hugged them.

In the evening they made the announcement to everyone during a family dinner, they received an infinity of good wishes, even from Frost, by now everyone knew that he had an ultra tender heart.

At the end of the evening Caitlin asked Frost to speak to her privately, so they went out into the garden,
"What did you want to talk to me about Caity?"

"It's about the baby"

"Ah what does my nephew want?" Frost said looking at Caitlin's belly

"Well, the point is that I don't want you to be his aunt ..."

"What do you mean, he's my nephew you can't stop me from seeing him" Frost said with tears in his eyes

"I didn't mean that, far from it, I wish you were his godmother," Caitlin said soothing her

"Thank you so much, I love you Caity" Frost said, happier than ever.

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