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That evening at 8:00 the whole extended family was at the restaurant, the speedster had come running and Barry had brought Iris, while Caitlin had insisted on driving despite her daughter's insistence.
The image of that dinner was something unimaginable for Caitlin, after all she had been through she didn't think she would ever be happy, instead she was sitting at a restaurant table with her daughter next to her, for her that was the best night of her life until then.
For Iris, however, it was different in fact it seemed that for her son she did not exist, he was only looking at Caitlin.
Despite everything, the evening had been beautiful for everyone: they had exchanged stories, anecdotes and jokes, by the time they left the restaurant everyone's worries were gone, even those of Iris.

A few days passed, Barry had insisted on doing some training all together, the problem is that in a short time he had realized that he had little to teach especially to Cassie, but he intended to make her understand that you can always learn something new, he aimed to beat her in a race.

"Cassie there you are, I've been looking for you," Barry said, walking into the medbay, where Cassie sat next to her mother and watched her work.

"Hi dad, anyway one thing ... I haven't told you yet but usually you two just call me Rose, anyway what do you need?" she said smiling

"Ah... why didn't you say that before?" Caitlin asked

"I didn't know how much time we would spend together here, so I preferred not to reveal too much about the future but, it makes me too strange to hear you two calling me Cassie" replied the young sprinter looking at both parents.

"Okay, Rose anyway I wanted to offer you a particular training just me and you ... a race around Central City!"

"Fantastic I can't wait, finally I will be able to race against the Flash and win, not like in the future that usually you either humble us or make us win!" She said bursting with joy.

Everything was ready, Barry and Cassie would leave the laboratories to go around the city, then get to Keystone and back, everyone was in turmoil.

"Ok I bet 50 dollars on Barry" Cisco said rubbing his hands "you could be fast but you don't know the city and you lack experience, sorry daughter of art"

"I score 50 Barry too," Iris said

"Score $ 2,000 for me" Nora said

"Wow ... what ... okay, another $ 2,000 for Barry" Cisco said

"No no! Stop, I was saying $ 2000 for Cassie!" Nora said

"Er ... okay" Cisco answered feeling richer "Ok, bets closed, ready to go ... ready ... go ... GO !!!"

Barry and Cassie set off creating a frightening blast, traveling at an incredible, but relatively low speed, about 70% of Barry's maximum speed.

"Then Rose how do you think"

"Nothing too hard dad"  

"You haven't seen anything yet"

As he said those words Barry sped up leaving his daughter behind, by now they were almost arrived he was sure he had taught her one thing, never underestimate your opponent.
But to his surprise Cassie had caught up with him, but not only was she running backwards in front of him

"Nice race dad, now sorry I have to go I'm in a hurry I'll wait for you at the finish line"

As soon as she finished speaking, she too accelerated suddenly arriving at the S.T.A.R. and entering the Cortex vibrating through the walls and sitting in a chair, Barry arrives seconds later.

After giving her sister a high-five,  Nora walked up smiling to a speechless Cisco and said

"Considering the odds for Cassie winning 50 to 1 you owe me $ 100,000 Uncle Cisco, I'm fine with cash, checks or even wire."

"You can't be serious but sorry you did it on purpose to ..."

"More or less" interrupted Nora "now we are even for when in the future ... well you will understand then, for now $ 2000 is enough in advance" she continued starting to laugh together with Cassie and Bart.
They could not say it but in the future when Nora was 16 years old, since her parents weren't good at driving, it was Cisco who offered to give her driving lessons, and during one of them she accidentally wrecked his new $ 90,000 car.

Cisco stood still and motionless for several minutes he seemed not to breathe, Caitlin was so worried that at one point she checked his pulse.
Meanwhile, Barry was amazed at how the race had turned out, Nora had said that Cassie had trained with them, but he didn't think she was that experienced.

"Sorry but where did you learn to do all this?" Iris asked bringing Barry back to reality

"In the future, as I said before, Dad started training Bart and me together, but with my powers my speed was higher and finally after months of requests Dad agreed to train together with Nora at a higher level ... I know numerous tricks ...with some I still have difficulties, with others a lot of difficulties, but I am fast enough to correct my mistakes ...And dad ... as for the sentence I said while running backwards, know that it is the same as you said ... or rather that you will say to us during our first race ".

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