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Cassie accelerated... seeing Darkest Thunder's hand already cross Nora Prime's chest, she began to rewind time, just enough to save her, or rather to take her place and be stabbed by the vibrating hand in her side.

No one had realized anything, Nora Prime had found herself lying on the ground, with Cassie lying on her, motionless.

"Oh my God, Cassie!" Nora Prime screamed, clutching the girl who had just saved her life, she tried to feel her pulse ... it was flat ... "Who are you? Why did you do that ?!" Nora Prime said tearfully, looking at the mysterious figure as she clutched Cassie's lifeless body

"Oh, you don't know about me ... I'm your worst nightmare, I'm Darkest Thunder!" He answered before disappearing.

Nora's attention then turned to the girl who had just saved her ...they had just met and she had told her he hated her ... yet she sacrificed herself for her.

"You're not going to die are you? Not in my arms... I can't let that happen!" Nora Prime said in tears

"Are you okay Nora?" Cassie asked

"I'm fine ... but you ... I thought you were dead!"

"Well I was ... but I have regenerative powers superior to yours"

"Even better powers than mine, you think you're better than me ... I hate you," Nora Prime said, looking down

"Why do you say that?"

"You criticized Iris's plan, you speak haughtily to me, then you destroyed my family!" Nora Prime said

"What are you talking about?" cheise Cassie

"Well ... sorry dad ... he left mom for your mom, at least so I think I understand ... you kind of ruined my sacrifice to get my dad back ... then I thought you hated me as much as I hate you!"

"You're quick to hate, sister!"

"We are not sisters ..."

"Grandma Cecile?"

"Leave my grandmother out of this," Nora said angrily

"I meant another thing ... you and she are not related by blood ... you and I have it ... besides, the other you and I grew up together, I love you Nora, you are my sister!" Cassie said

"I'm so sorry Cassie, but you're not going to die are you?"

"Don't worry! The wound wasn't fatal ... more or less ... then I'm already healed!" Cassie said standing up

"How can you tell ?!"

"I'm a doctor, I know anatomy!"

"Well, you're just a first year student ..."

"Do you know Doogie Howser?" Cassie said, laughing

"Yes, it's my favorite show, I love both the original and the reboot! Wait ... You say that ..."

"Yes, I'm a genius ... I graduated last year ..."

"Sorry I thought you were an unpleasant I know everything!"

"Well ... a little bit I am! Anyway I wasn't criticizing empty!" Cassie said, starting to produce ice vapors

"Wait... Is Caitlin your MOTHER?!?!"

"Yeah... our mother, I mean, you often call her that" Cassie said noticing Nora's sad look

"A genius, with the powers of both, the favorite daughter," whispered Nora Prime

"Mum and dad don't make any differences between us, for mum you are a real daughter, she even adopted you!"

"How did you hear me ?! Because either you have super hearing or you can read Lip!"

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