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Cassie ran back to the past, stopped in the lounge, hoping to get some sleep, however her idea was ruined by Frost who entered in tears waking her up.

"Cassie, there you are!"

"Aunt Frost, what's going on?"

"The girls are missing!"

"Don't worry, they woke up, I visited them, and I brought them back to the future, now they are with you and your husband!"

"Why didn't you introduce them to me?" Frost asked in tears as she hugged Cassie

"I'm sorry Auntie Frosty, excuse the pun: if you were initially cold, compared to how you will be in the future you are a piece of ice!"

"Who gave you permission to make jokes on the ice ?!" Frost said smiling

"I don't need permission!" Cassie said as her eyes and hair turned white

"Oh yeah, I forgot," Frost said, looking down

"What's wrong with you?"

"Barry will continue to be the best, I will lose my role!"

"Are you kidding? You taught me everything! I discovered speed recently, while I have cryogenic powers all my life ... and it was you who taught me to control them! You won't quit because of me, but to take care of the girls, anyway you still fight! "

in the meantime

While everyone was worried about the girls Barry was alone in the tunnel, he didn't feel he could handle the situation. Despite all the time spent with Cassie, he still couldn't believe that in the future he was no longer with Iris.

He had always thought that he would stay with her forever, the only obstacle, the crisis, had been overcome, yet there had been several changes, which on the one hand were wonderful and on the other were terrible.

"Barry, what are you doing here?" Caitlin asked as she entered the tunnel

"What are you doing here, Cait?"

"I often come here to reflect ... it's absurd ... I was once terrified of coming here ..."

"Yes, I remember..."

"Anyway, thanks to you, this is no longer the case! Going back to my question ... why are you here?"

"Same reason as you, I wanted to think ..."

"What is worrying you?" Caitlin asked as she sat down next to him

"The future, the end of my marriage to Iris ... my marriage to you ... it's horrible!"

"Sorry if I'm horrible!" Caitlin said as she walked away

"Wait Caitlin, that's not what I meant, you're one of my best friends ... I care about you ... the fact is, I never thought of you that way ... ... at least not anymore"

"What do you mean with "at least not anymore" ?" Caitlin asked in surprise

"Do you remember the mission at the Karaoke Bar? Well I wanted to ask you out, the next morning, but in the end for all the problems and for Ronnie ... I never did"

Caitlin started to cry and hugged Barry

"What's wrong with you Cait?"

"I found out why Nora Bart and Cassie didn't want to tell us the name of Caity's father ... well he's Ronnie, my Ronnie"

"How do you know?"

"I took the DNA test, it matches!"

"What if it's just a doppelganger?"

"I don't think Barry, the crisis destroyed the multiverse"

"Yes Caitlin, but several people from other Earths came here, and they're still here! Think Laurel Lance of Earth-2 ... or the different Brainy..."

"Yes, I thought so... but then I remembered the system Harry Wells used to find Jesse"

"The different vibrational frequency?"

"Yes, even if the multiverse no longer exists in the way we intended it, this different frequency still exists, I have detected it on different doppelgangers ... Sophie and Caity, they don't ... Barry he's my Ronnie!"

"What do you think you're doing now Cait?"

"I don't know ... I mean it's been years! Then Frost's daughters, our daughter, Nora, Bart then the twins ... I understand that the future isn't written, but I don't want them to disappear ... then I don't know if I still love him ... "

Meanwhile, in the future (2049)

"Dad what's happening to us," the twins said in chorus as they walked down the stairs

"Oh my God..." Barry said realizing that their hands were disappearing

Changes After the Crisis (Snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now