66 Race Against Time: 14 hours

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"Nora please ... don't make it harder!" Caitlin said sobbing

"No mom! I'm not leaving you alone! You never left me alone when I was sick!"

"But I'm not sick Nora! I'm in perfect health!"

"Your tears say otherwise ...

You know, when I felt this way as a child, you were always with me ready to console me ... even now that I'm 26 you are always there ready to console me ... like my wedding day ... "

"What are you talking about? What happened to you on your wedding day?" Caitlin asked

"Here is proof that you are my mother!"

"You don't understand! I already told you I'm not your mother!"

"You've been crying desperately for hours and yet you've stopped now! All just to understand how you can help me with this" problem "... an aunt or godmother wouldn't do that!"

Caitlin, at Nora's answer, shook her head in her hands, the only person she could deceive was herself, she knew very well that she loved Nora as a daughter, and felt obliged to her friends ...

She didn't say anything else, she just accepted Nora's hug.

"What happened to you on your wedding day?"

"Mom! You shouldn't worry about me right now! Anyway I doubt Cassie would let me tell you..."

"Look, it might distract me, plus Cassie has other things to take care of... anyway I don't think she would object."

"Ok ... just promise me not to reveal anything to anyone!"

"I promise honey!"

Flashback: Nora's Wedding

Knock Knock

"Come in! The door is open!" Nora said, as she looked in the mirror wearing her wedding dress

"Hi Nora," Iris said as she entered

"Hello Mom! I'm happy to see you! So, how do I dismember you with the dress? "

"Wonderful sweetheart, simply wonderful!"

"I'm glad you like it ... I wish you had been there the day I chose it ..."

"I would have loved it, but unfortunately I had a firm commitment ..."

"Yes I know, Aunt Jenna told me about it ... it was for your article ... on Goodspeed"

"Nora, we had already talked about it... it was the first interview that monster released after years of silence! I would have preferred to see you choose the wedding dress ... "

"Thanks Mom... I think," Nora said embarrassing Iris

"Let's not talk about bad things... Let's think about beautiful things! Speaking of your wedding, I'm amazed that you chose Aunt Jenna as your maid of honour and not Cassie "

"I wanted Cassie, but she's only 13 and she can't... Jack and I waited a long time, we didn't want to wait any longer, so I chose Aunt Jenna, but when we renew our vows I'll ask Cassie!"

"How sweet! Anyway, why Jenna? "

"In the end she was the one who introduced me and Jack, so ..."

"I understand ... anyway I can't believe my little girl will get married in a few hours!"

"Yeah, it's strange to me too.... Anyway, mom, have you never thought about moving on? "

"What do you mean?"

"Dad moved on with Caitlin... why didn't you ever do the same?"

"Sorry but Caitlin is not my type," Iris said, causing Nora to die with laughter

"No, anyway, jokes aside, have you ever thought about moving on?"

"To tell the truth, I've been dating someone for a while ... almost 4 months!"

"For real?! I'm happy for you" Nora said unconvincedly

"Are you angry honey?"

"No, I'm really happy for you! It's just that ..."

"What?" Iris asked softly

"Dad told me about it immediately ... after less than a month ..."

"Sorry Nora, I just didn't know if it would work ..." Iris said hugging Nora

"It doesn't matter ... So how soon will you introduce him to me?" Nora asked

"He's out here if you want to meet him"

"Ah ...."

"What is it, honey? It is early?"

"No ... I just didn't expect it ... You could have warned ... but that's no problem" said Nora, not convinced by what she had just said

"Ok" Iris said without realizing Nora's expression "Honey come in, come and meet my daughter" she added opening the door "Nora, this is my boyfriend: Eddie Thawne"

"That Thawne ?! Wasn't he dead ?! "

"I thought I was dead, in short, I shot myself in the heart to erase the Reverse Flash from existence, instead I woke up on a roof in Chicago as if nothing had happened, it took years for me to be able to recover ..."

"How can I trust?"

"Even the DEO and the ARGUS have done all the tests, it's really him!" Iris said

"Ok ..."

"I understand it's strange, however I'm happy to finally meet you, your mother talks a lot about you and Bart"

"Thank you ... how did the others react?"

"I introduced him to everyone this morning, it was strange, but everyone reacted quite well, except Frost and Cassie ..."

"Good to know!" Nora said more and more embarrassed

"Can I ask you a question?" Eddie asked


"The hotel is wonderful, but your mother and I were wondering, why do you have the hotel garden as a venue for the ceremony?"

"How, why? It's a beautiful place!"

"That's true Nora, but why didn't you and your future husband opt for a more normal church wedding?" Iris said, hugging Eddie

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