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It had been a few days, Iris and Bart worked together at Citizen, Nora worked with Barry as CSI for a while but now Cassie had joined them.

It was her first day at CCPD, she was nervous, she was a genius with 2 degrees and a PhD, but she was only 16 and for the first time she was acting like a person her age.

"Allen, I'm here for a special case, a meta-human who ..." said Chief Singh entering the laboratory before stopping to see Cassie "Who are you miss?"

"I'm Cassie ... Snow, I'm Da...Barry's  new assistant trainee" Cassie replied

"Assistant? How old are you?"

"16 but I am a recognized genius, I have a degree in medicine, one in physics and I am completing a doctorate in quantum mechanics, but I love forensic science so I applied for an internship here"

"Ok ... anyway you won't be paid ..."

"I'm not interested in money, I won the Nobel Prize in physics last year"

"What does it have to do with money?"

"With the Nobel prize, you win in addition to the prize itself a ritual handshake from the king, and ... $ 1 million "

"Wait ... So you are a millionaire genius and you work here for free !!!!? !!! I heard that geniuses are weird but this is too much ..."

"I love helping people, this together with research is a great way to do it, I have the opportunity to help the victims and their families find peace"

"If I didn't know it's impossible I'd say you and Barry are father and daughter, he said the same thing when I hired him."

The three had a normal day, and by the end of the shift they had organized a small party in Barry's apartment, with Bart, Iris and Caitlin.

It was about 11pm when someone knocked on the door, Barry went to open it, he was a cop

"Mr. Allen, I am sorry to inform you that Patty Spivot died tonight from a meta-human attack in Midway City."

"How did it happen? .... When? ..." Barry paused for a second, realizing something "Why did you come here to tell me?" Barry asked

"He .... Henry .... Is he here?" Cassie asked

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