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Chicago, Iris's Apartment 2049

"Hi Eddie!" Cassie said as she entered Iris's apartment

"Hi Cassie... Iris told you I couldn't come, right?" Eddie asked

"Yes, as if you were invited ... or rather you are but you would not have been a welcome guest"

"Why are you treating me like that?"

"I don't know, maybe because Iris freaked out when she found out Dad had a new life and moved on, when the two of you got together right away! Then you defended Iris by saying she was just missing and Barry was wrong to move on!"

"Well it happened so in reality"

"Mom always tells it for their anniversary!
Dad was depressed by Iris's disappearance, Mom helped him take care of Nora and Bart, after 9 months with no response they started dating, then got married, and 5 years after Iris disappeared I was born!"

"Yes, but when she returned she was rejected by everyone"

"It's not true! Iris had given Dad an ultimatum: come back with her or stay with me and Mom! He was even thinking about it, and my mother would have even stepped aside ... then Iris ruined Nora's Christmas, then a few months later she almost killed her! Not to mention the trial! "

"It wasn't Iris's fault! She was having trouble with everything she went through! The strange temporal interferences, the permanence in the mirrorverse, then when she disappeared ... "

"I know she's been through a nervous breakdown, I also know she's on medication for it, she's in serious trouble, that's true, but it doesn't change the fact that she left Nora and Bart on purpose for 5 years after the trial!"

"But when the twins were born she came back!"

"Only for Dawn Carla Hope Iris Snow-Allen, name chosen to help her ... then she never gave explanations to any of us ..."

"Is the letter not enough as an explanation?"

"Nora hasn't opened it yet, I just held it in my hand ... what is it that she can't say aloud!"

"You do not know? What happened the night we met again? "

"No, I had to ask for yours anyway for a superhero thing. What exactly is that letter? Why is it so important? "

"It's not so much what it is ... but so much what it was ..."

"What was it then?"

"A farewell letter ..."

"ONE... WHAT?! No Iris, she ... would never do that! "

"It was that night we saw each other again for the first time ... Why did you want to know?"

"It's about my theory, tell me everything you remember after trying to shoot yourself to kill the Reverse Flash AKA Eobard Thawne"

"Sure, I see them every night....
The Reverse Flash was about to kill Barry, then it would kill everyone else, so I grabbed my gun and fired ... however the moment everyone was focused on seeing him disappear, a strange wave of energy hit me right in the middle ...

All I remember was that I woke up on a roof, it was the middle of winter, it was cold, on the ledge a few meters from me there was a woman in tears, she had placed her mobile phone on what looked like an envelope, I ran towards she, I told her not to be crazy, only then I realized it was Iris ... We hugged, but she still wanted to jump ... then she got a call: it was your mother asking her to be Dawn Carla HI's godmother Snow-Allen, and to return to their lives"

Cassie was almost crying, she had hated this woman for years without knowing everything she had been through, but now was not the time for regrets, she was running out of time and needed to get the answers she needed.

"Eddie, I need to know exactly what sensations you felt when you were hit by the wave of energy! It is important that you do not exclude even the smallest detail, even if it seems insignificant to you, I must know! "

"Why all this meticulousness?"

"It could save the lives of many people, I need to know but I don't have the material time to explain everything to you! It would take me almost 5 hours, and I'm only 23 before I'm erased from the timeline so talk! "

"Okay ... I felt like my hair was lifting, the tips were literally floating ... then I felt a strange metal taste in my mouth"

"Just your hair or did you have goosebumps and shivers? Don't be like Iris, just answer, don't ask questions! "

"Okay" Eddie replied, puzzled "I didn't have goosebumps, just the tips of my hair started to float"

"Well ... which metal in particular did you taste?"

"I think iron, certainly not aluminum!" Eddie said laughing

"Be serious!" Cassie snapped, irritated by the answer

"Okay, I'm not sure, but it was different from what you feel after taking some medicine"

"Haven't all your muscles tightened / relaxed?"


"Did you feel a stabbing pain as if you were burning from the inside?"

"It wasn't a stabbing pain, it was a normal pain, but yes I felt like I was burning from the inside ..."

"Good! Perfect!"

"Do you dislike me so much?" Eddie said laughing

"Nooo" Cassie replied laughing "It was about another matter ... Now I have to go...Come by us tonight ... and sorry for how we reacted to you and Iris ... "

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