57 Race Against Time: 22 hours

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"Thanks Auntie Frosty, what do you remember about the accident?"

"We were on our way here, we were supposed to arrive for lunch but we wanted to surprise you by arriving early... the girls couldn't wait to meet the twins ...
We were about 30 minutes from here, the girls were sleeping, they were very tired. On the other hand, I was trying to stay awake so as not to leave Ronnie alone while he was driving ... at a certain point we were almost struck by lightning!"

"A few more details?"

"If you didn't interrupt me!" Frost said laughing

"Okay, sorry," Cassie said, laughing as well

"It wasn't normal lightning, not at all ... I remember it hit us from the side ... my side in the car"

"Did you feel an electric shock?"

"Not at all... "

"What happened then?"

"The car overturned, I think it starts turning on itself several times ... but I'm not sure, I fainted almost immediately"


"Cassie, moderate the language! Anyway you could wait and ask Ronnie!"

"I can't aunt ... or rather I've already talked to him"

"What? Is he awake ?! Why hasn't anyone spotted me ?!"

"No ... I woke him up ... But don't worry, he's fine, he has no brain damage! He'll be fine in no time"

"OK ... I'm sorry we didn't help you find out more about that lightning bolt ..."

"Do not worry.

One thing I know for sure ... it wasn't lightning, it was him, Darkest Thunder "

"How do you know?"

"The girls, remember? He brought them to the Star Labs of the past as a warning for us, or rather for me "

"Sorry, I didn't listen to what you said ..."

"I understand ... Do you remember something else?"

"No ... at least I don't think so ..."

"Make an effort please! It is very important! Do you remember what sensations you felt? Both before, during and after the accident ... "

"I don't remember anything else about the accident .... but shortly before the tips of my hair had started to float ..."

"What?! Eureka! "

"But Cassie, I read it's normal when you're about to be struck by lightning!"

"As I said he was Darkest Thunder!"

"What does it mean?"

"If I'm right... maybe I understand why he's always one step ahead of us! I need to speak to only one other person and I can finally solve the case! "

"The case? Are you sure you haven't chosen the wrong job? "

"I already talked to Grandpa Joe about it ... when I finish my PhD I will apply to join the CCPD, but now I have to complete my mission ... thanks for everything Auntie Frosty!" Cassie said before running off at super speed.

Present time

"Done!" Cisco yelled as he entered the Cortex while Caitlin and Iris were still talking

"Done what?" Iris asked

"Chester and I just finished building the device to restore Nora's memories!"

"How does it work?" Iris asked

"Rather, how do you make sure it works?" Caitlin asked


"You are not going to test it on Nora," Iris Caitlin said in unison

"What should I do then? The simulations would take hours! And Cassie has no time!"

"Cisco starts the simulations, when my daughter comes back if they are not finished and we don't have time you will use it" said Caitlin

"Will you make Nora take that risk?" Iris said in shock

"I don't want to ... but if Cassie disappears, it makes sense that our entire timeline will disappear with her!"

"What makes you think that if you don't restore Nora's memories, Cassie will disappear?" Iris asked

"Well, Cassie said, she had to go into the future while we looked for a way to recover Nora's memory ..."

"Shee didn't specify anything!" 

"Iris, it is logical to assume that she meant this ... then I doubt that Nora with her current experience will be able to help defeat such a strong speedster!"

"One point for Caitlin!" Cisco said, while Iris encourages him with her gaze

"Yes, but it doesn't necessarily work ... it could just restore Nora Prime's memories ... as long as she doesn't fry her brain ..."

"A point for Iris too," Cisco said as this time it was Caitlin who glared at him

"What if we let Nora decide?" Cisco said

"Good idea... but Cassie will ask her," Caitlin said

"Why should Cassie be doing this?" Iris asked

"What should I do?" Cassie asked as she entered the Cortex

"Rose! You're back!" Caitlin said

"Yes I'm back ... back to my question, what should I do?"

"You should talk to Nora and ask her if she wants to recover the memories"

"Haven't you got them back yet?"

"No ..." Cisco said

"But Bart is telling her something ... but nobody wants to explain what ..." Caitlin said

"Mom! You can't know anything about the future! If you did, you could screw up the timeline!"

"I thought you were protected?" Iris said

"Yes, but there are things you absolutely cannot know! Like Caitlin's marriage, dad and Iris's divorce ... or Hen ..." Cassie broke off.

"Girl, do you always talk nonsense?" Cisco asked

"Yeah..." Cassie said blushing as everyone laughed

"Who is Hen anyway?" Cisco asked

"A person you shouldn't know anything about"

"Ah, you mean Henry?" Iris said nonchalantly

"Wait? Do you know about him too?" Caitlin asked

"Caitlin! How do you know !?" Iris asked

"Stop, stop! How do you two know?" Cassie asked

"Bart" "Barry" Iris and Caitlin said at the same time

"Holy God! Those two can't keep their mouths shut!" Cassie screamed furiously

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