77 Race against time: 3 hours

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A few minutes had passed, no one had spoken after Cassie's revelations, the only one who moved was Nora who, in tears, ran to hug Iris

"Nora, why are you crying?" Iris whispered in her ears

"I'm sorry, just sorry! For all!" Nora whispered in tears

"What you mean?"

"I never understood how you really felt, even though it was all Cassandra's doing I'm so sorry!"

"What you mean?"

"About our quarrels, about the fact that I almost kicked you out on my wedding day, about the fact that I never really showed you I really loved you ..."

"Shh... quiet Nora! It's not your fault, the only person to blame is Cassandra! "

"Thanks Mom!" Nora whispered

"You are my daughter, I shouldn't be jealous of Caitlin, from what I understand she was great with you and Bart ... I just can't accept it" said Iris, after a few minutes, as soon as she and Nora were left alone

"It's not something easy to understand ... you only know part of the story, there are many details that you could never imagine"

"I just don't understand why we are so divided in the future"

"The truth is that you, because of Cassandra, you asked dad to choose between you and Cassie ..."

"I would never do such a thing! I'm not a monster! I wouldn't even ask him to choose between me and Caitlin! "

"Well you did ... when he chose my sister, you denounced him, dragging everyone into a custody process, then when you lost you disappeared for another 5 years"

"Is that why you hated me?"


"Thank goodness" Iris whispered, smiling

"I hated you because you came back for my sister Dawn!"


"Cassie is not the only daughter of Dad and Cait, they had twins: Don and Dawn!

Dawn and your goddaughter, she even has your name ... it is for her that you returned to our family ... You justified the distance with problems related to all the traumas you suffered "

"What? What traumas? "

"Psychological traumas! You have suffered terrible things! "

"I have long since passed them! I don't even suffer from nightmares anymore for the story of Eva "

"That's why no one expected your escape! He did this to you too! " Nora said hugging Iris again


"It influenced you by leading you to develop severe PTSD"

"So that's why I walked away ..."

"Sorry, I don't want to interrupt, but Cassie needs some things from the infirmary" said Caitlin embarrassed

"Don't worry ..." Iris said

"Would you join the hug, please?" Asked Nora

"Sure ..." Caitlin answered even more embarrassed, before joining the hug

"It's the thing I've always wanted," Nora said

"What?" Iris and Caitlin asked

"Receive a hug from both of you! I always wanted my mothers to hug me, together!" Nora said crying for joy

"Maybe I should go, Cassie needs me right now," Caitlin said

"Thanks Caitlin, for what you will do for my children!" Iris said in tears

"Don't thank me ... I never should have done that if it wasn't for Cassandra, but I can't help but think that without her I wouldn't have had a family ..."

"Even without her you would have had a family! We are a family!" Nora said

"Not in that sense Nora..." Caitlin whispered

"It doesn't matter now! The only important thing right now is to find a way to stop Cassandra and save Cassie! The future is in our hands!" Nora said 

"For now it's in Cassie's hands, she's the only one able to find a solution!" 

"Don't belittle yourself! you too are good at this Nora!" Iris said

"Not even Dad is on Cassie's level right now! She is a genius who fights like a ninja"

Cisco's laboratory

"Cassie, with all due respect to your genius, in my experience I have come up with a plan 100 times better than yours!"

"Don't be sure Uncle Cisco!"

"Well look here!" Cisco said taking a metal glove from the table

"Unless that's Thanos' glove disguised as a rusty wreck, I don't think it'll come in handy!"

"Do not say that! You break my heart! It's my latest invention! "

"Okay, Uncle Cisco, what is it?"

"This glove combines the powers of vibration with those of ice... with a pinch of energy derived from the force of speed! It emits an impulse that destabilizes the sprinters thanks to the sudden drop in temperature, also thanks to the charge of the speed force the target cannot recover fast enough, this will give us time to capture it! "

"It won't work," Cassie said, laughing

"What makes you believe that! It's a brilliant plan! You're just jealous because the idea didn't come to you! "

"I am not jealous! I had the same idea at the beginning of the clashes! Except instead of vibrations I combined my ice powers by catalyzing them with a reverse charge lightning bolt! But it didn't work because Cassandra like me has some of Frost's powers! "

"Wow ... sorry ... I thought you were just jealous ..."

"My mother is Caitlin, she immediately taught me not to be a bad person! We are a team, if someone has a better idea than mine I accept it! "

"What did you have in mind to stop her?" Cisco said

"A classic: nanites"

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