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Barry searched for Iris relentlessly day after day, even asked for a time off from work and and began to neglect the Flash's duties, even stopped thinking about his children, his friends and himself: he stopped eating and sleeping ... he he was in a state of perennial paranoia and did not think clearly.

He refused to talk about it, rejected the idea of ​​his wife's disappearance, saying he would find her, and that she wasn't dead.

After 9 months the situation had worsened, he no longer cut his hair and no longer shaved, he did not even speak, he ran in search of Iris nonstop.

One day, returning to the star labs, he fell to the ground unconscious.

"Caitlin, come here, Barry's passed out !!" Joe yelled

"Joe what happened?"

"I don't know I came looking for him hoping he was here, he came running and fell to the ground ... he doesn't move anymore!"

The situation was serious, he hadn't eaten anything all day, for a sprinter it was a death sentence.

Caitlin was sick of seeing him in that state, so she took him and treated his wounds, cut his hair and beard, put on clean clothes and together with Joe and Cisco took him to the West house and put him to bed.

The next morning he woke up to find Caitlin sitting next to him, she had been there all night, "Caitlin what am I doing here? I have to go ..." he said getting up

"Barry Stop! You can't go on like this! Your kids need you! They need both of their parents! Bart is still a child he doesn't realize it, but Nora understands it and she's suffering a lot! She misses both of you!" "Caitlin said in tears.

The two the two hugged each other, and Barry in tears said "Cait, I miss her so much, I almost lost her several times this time... now it's different, she's really gone! I don't know how to live without her!!"

"Barry, don't worry," she replied. "You're not alone, it's me, Joe, Cecile, Cisco and your children, think about how much you care about them, and use the strength of that love to carry on."

Barry and Caitlin went downstairs together, Joe was happy that Barry had finally recovered, while the boy sat down at the table he saw the doctor walking towards the door 

"Caitlin won't you stay with us?" Barry asked

"ehmm ... no" she replied

"Caitlin go to the guest room, there's some clean sheets, get some rest" Joe said

"Thanks" she replied smiling

At that moment Barry realized how much I care about him, she had stayed by his side all night waiting for him to wake up.

While he was absorbed in his thoughts, he was interrupted by the hug of Nora, happy to finally see him again 
"Dad where have you been all this time?" asked the little girl

"It doesn't matter where I've been, the important thing is that now I won't go anymore, I won't leave you again" he said hugging her as hard as he could.

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