80 Race against time: 0 hours ---> Time is up

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Cassie wasted no time, and without thinking twice threw herself at Cassandra, dragging her to the harbor, followed by Barry, Nora and Bart.

Cassie had pinned Cassandra to the ground, however she laughed instead of trying to free herself

"What's so funny?!"

"That you don't understand anything Rose! You're just a naive girl!"

Cassie, without hesitation ran her hand through Cassandra's chest killing her

"Rose, why did you do that?" Barry asked

"It's just a Time remnant! Let's go back now!" Cassie answered, before starting to run

When the four arrived at the STAR labs Cassandra was already there and threatened to kill Iris

"Let my wife go!" Barry yelled

"Barry, you are so funny! Do you really think you can give me orders ?! You still don't understand who you are dealing with! "

"Your father has already failed to kill me! What makes you believe you can succeed where he failed! " Iris said

"I killed you in countless timelines! Savitar was forced to wait that night to kill you... I don't have to!" Cassandra said, starting to shake her hand to stab Iris

Barry, Bart and Nora were like frozen: Barry was terrified by the memory of Savitar killing Iris in the canceled future, Nora and Bart instead were terrified of losing Iris right now that they had found her ...

Cassandra's wicked laugh was becoming more and more frightening as her hand came closer to Iris's head.

Cassandra's laughter was interrupted by an explosion ...

Joe had shot Cassandra with Cisco's weapon, however instead of falling to the ground unable to move she dissolved into a cloud of dust ...

"Cassie! You said there was no risk of killing her! " Joe said, shocked at killing his granddaughter

"Don't worry ... it was just a Time remnant!"

"How do you know?"

"It could never have killed her ... however the same thing happened to the Cassandra of the port ..."

"What does it mean? Is she playing with us? " Iris asked

"She doesn't just want to scare us! She wants to drive us crazy! The trouble is that she is succeeding... " Cassie said

"So what should we do?" Joe asked

"Well ... we can't risk going on a mission all together leaving the STAR Labs unattended, so I propose to split up," Bart said.

"What?!" Barry yelled

"Dad is the best choice! Cassie tells him too! "

"No Bart! I cannot allow my children to fight alone! Cassandra is too much stronger than us! "

"But ..." Bart tried to say

"Your father is right! You cannot split up!" Joe said

"How fun! The Allen family is fighting! " another Cassandra said as she entered the Cortex

"Don't move or I'll shoot!" Joe yelled pointing the gun at her

"Nice try West!" Cassandra said before abducting him

"Dad, you come with me! Nora, Bart, you two stay here! There's one last line of defense in case she comes back! "Cassie said

"What?! No Cassie, I already said that! We can't risk it! "

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