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Nora took Nightmare Girl back to STAR Labs, locked her in a cell, then headed to the Cortex

"Nora! Thank goodness you're okay!" Barry said

"We thought you were hurt! You didn't communicate anymore, we feared the worst!" Cassie said

"Don't worry!" Nora answered

"Now let's come up with a plan!" Barry said

"No need, she's locked up in the tunnel"

"Nora, how did you do it?" Barry asked

"I knocked her out with a lightning bolt and I brought her here"

"Nora! You could have killed her!" Cassie said

"She's fine! She hasn't destabilized, she won't have any problems!"

"Nora, if she was dead ..." Barry started saying

"She's fine! She's not dead!"

"Big sister ..." Cassie said


"She's an alien, we don't know anything about her anatomy! She could die from any complication!"

"What? Why didn't you tell me anything about this possibility? "

"Nora, big sister, we talked about it, but you always seem distant... what's going on? You have never been like this! I mean you went off alone on a mission, you insulted Bart, you closed the phone in my face and you ignored our calls! "
"It's a personal matter, I don't want to talk about it yet, at least not now! Take care of Nightmare girl first!

end of the flashback

"I still don't understand what happened," Iris said

"Nightmare Girl died from the lightning I threw at her" said Nora as she entered "Her molecular structure has been destabilized, her body has destroyed itself"

"Oh my God! Nora ... why didn't you mention it? We would have supported you!" Frost said

"It was an accident, that's why I don't blame myself ... or rather, that's why I didn't lose sleep "

"Have you undergone a trial?" Iris asked

"Seriously honey? Is this really your first question? " Barry asked

"Yeah, I mean a trial would be the ideal way to get over it, Nora might realize how she doesn't have to blame herself!"

"I don't regret what I did! Does it create problems for you? Nora said

"Actually..." Iris said in a low voice

"You really talk!" Cassie said as she entered the Cortex

"I didn't say anything!"

"In fact you whispered!"

"What do you mean? How could you have heard me? "

"Cassie can read lips!" Nora Prime said

"How do you know?" asked Caitlin

"She told me before ... mom what did you say anyway?"

"Okay ... I have some problems with what Nora did, I mean it was a mistake, but at least she should ..."

"I remind you that you killed Savitar by shooting him in the back!" Cassie said

"That's different! He would have killed Barry "

"Defense of others, the mitigation you would have received...
The same does not apply to me! Not necessarily!" Nora said

"How can you be sure?"

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