61 Race Against Time: 19 hours

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"Barry, I can't!" Caitlin said as she ran away after breaking the kiss

"Cait wait!" Barry said reaching for her

"Barry, it's too complicated! I shouldn't have ... I can't do it"

"I was the one who kissed you Cait! Don't feel guilty"

"It's not that... Barry I love you!"

"What? But Cait"

"I fell in love with you when you woke up from the coma, when Ronnie came back you were trying to forget Iris, so I went back with him ... when he died I suffered a lot, when I passed him and I wanted to get close to you, but you started dating with Patty, and I got close to Jay ...
I lied to Iris saying I felt nothing for you! A part of me will never stop loving you "

"Cait ..."

"Barry leave me alone now! I need to think!" Caitlin said running away

"What jumped into your mind ?!" Bart said behind Barry

"What you mean?"

"You and Caitlin!"

"Bart, listen to me"

"No! For years our schoolmates, people we once considered friends, told Nora and me that you and Caitlin were lovers and got married right after Iris left! I can't believe that was the truth! "

"We're not lovers! There has never been anything between us before! Trust me I wouldn't lie about that! I love your mother!" Barry said

"Then you admit you love to love Caitlin! What a cheeky daddy!"

"What? I meant Iris... why did you mean Caitlin?"

"Well ... Er ..."

"You said earlier that Iris was gone ... what does that mean?"

"Dad, I have to go ..." Bart said accelerating away


"Dad what's the matter with you?" Cassie asked seeing Barry shocked

"What happens to Iris?"

"I don't know what daddy are talking about ..."

"Don't lie to me! What happens to my wife ?!" Barry yelled in tears

"Dad, calm down! Nothing happens to her ..."

"You lie!"

"Dad ... Listen to me ..." Cassie said

"Uncle Cisco, Aunt Kamilla, Uncle Chester, Aunt Allegra ... why not Aunt Iris? I doubt a simple divorce would ruin our relationship so much ..."

"What are you referring to?"

"Iris is my adoptive sister, if we had simply divorced you would call her Aunt Iris ... you haven't done that since she came back from the future ..."

"How do you know she went into the future?"

"She's my wife, my best friend! We talk to each other!"

"In the future... I can't tell you dad! You would try to fix everything and erase me the twins and Frost's daughters from existence!"

"What do you mean? And what do the girls have to do with all this?"

"Sophie's father was a CCPD detective ... one day Aunt Frost was babysitting me, returning from a walk we came to greet you, so they met ... if you change the future you will ruin everything ..."

"What's going to happen between me and Iris?"

"You'll get a divorce, eventually ... Iris will give up custody of Nora and Bart ... no one has talked to her for the next 5 years ... it will take time for things to return to their proper place...
They grew up with Caitlin, that's why they call her mom"

"I have to do something..."

"No dad, don't do it! Even Iris in the future agrees ..."

"I've loved Iris all my life! I can't let her go like that!"

"Dad ... Nora and Bart would say that the twins and I are proof that you will love Caitlin unconditionally, I tell you it's me, the twins and Crystal the proof ..."


"Your youngest daughter..."

"Why didn't anyone say anything !?"

"Because no one knows yet ... it happened on Christmas Eve, before he attacked us ... you will find out only after Darkest Thunder imprisoned us ... she will die with mom in your arms..."

"Why are you telling me this!?"

"I've already changed that future! Nothing bad will happen! Although I'm not even sure she will exist..."

"What should I do? What should I say?"

"Listen to me, stay close to mom only as a best friend ... you will understand when it's time to go further"


"Do you love Caitlin?"

"No ... not yet ... but that kiss ..."

"What? Which kiss? "

"A little while ago ... I kissed Caitlin ... I don't know why ..."

"I'll ask you my question again: Do you love Caitlin?"

"No... "

"When you fall in love with her you will understand"


"You will tell me in the future, when I was 15: If you are really in love with two people, choose the second one!"


"If you really loved the first, you would never have fallen in love with the second"

"Cassie, I can't do such a thing ..."

"Listen to me dad, in the future you will understand ..."

"I don't think I'll be able to figure it out! What would you advise me?"

"Dad! No one in the family has a normal love life ... frankly yours is the normal one of all! Besides, it's the only one that worked!"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm 17 and most guys my age avoid me because they think I'm weird, other geniuses feel intimidated by my IQ, I'm not going to explain to you how hard it is for me to find a date.
Bart is so cool, but he's a mess with the girls, it was his current girlfriend who asked him out the first time! It's a miracle they haven't broken up yet!
As for Nora ... You already know ... "

"That doesn't help me ... You know where Caitlin might be ... I'd like to try to clarify the situation"

"Yes, I know where she is, but ... I won't tell you!"

"Why don't you want to tell me?"

"When you get carried away by emotions you only cause disasters! You always end up messing up the timeline!"

"It's not true!"

"One word: Flashpoint"

"What? How do you know?"

"Speed ​​Force ... Now you have to think before you act! Now I have to go talk to Nora, don't try to eavesdrop!"

"What makes you think I would?"

"The fact that I'm your daughter! Please dad, don't do it!"


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