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The three girls were at Jitters' even before it opened, they had to wait an hour to get served but it was worth it.
The special chocolate was delicious, it tasted beyond description, it was part of a secret menu, it also had a secret ingredient, which Nora and Cassie had discovered in a laboratory analysis was simple cinnamon, caramel and cream along with a splash of coffee and flakes of dark chocolate.
 To do that analysis they had used Caitlin's laboratory, secretly obviously, since they were 16 and 5 years old.

When Caitlin found out, she didn't get mad at them, on the contrary, to their surprise she showed them some papers dated 6 months earlier, when they started ordering the chocolate, she had taken the tests the same day.

At 8.00 the three of them went to the CCPD to see Barry before the shift began.

"Hi Dad!" Cassie and Nora said in chorus as they entered

"Hi Barry," Caitlin said

"Hi girls, how are you, you woke up early," Barry said realizing the time

"We never went to sleep," Cassie said

"What?!" Barry said stunned "Caitlin you were hurt you shouldn't go around like that, you Cassie are 16 you shouldn't ..."

"Relax dad, I'm a doctor remember, mum is fine and I'm a speedster my physiology bears it also we have not drunk alcohol and I remind you that it has no effect on us and anyway ... in the future the minimum age for drinking light alcohol as beer and wine is at 16 y o, for alcohol and spirits is at 18 y o, then I have been studying in Europe for about 9 months for a doctorate and there they are not so much tax ... "

"That doesn't reassure me much!"

"I'm kidding dad, I don't drink!" Cassie said soothing him

"Anyway, what do you think if we go for something to eat during my lunch break?" Barry asked

"It seems fantastic to me, what about you, Mom?" Nora said without thinking

"Mom!?" Barry asked bewildered

"Oh yeah it's a future thing, I can't say too much but Caitlin took care of me in difficult times, even before you two started dating so ..."

"Okay, even if it's weird" Barry said

"Don't worry dad in the future you will understand"  replied Nora, smiling.

As the three women leave the lab they meet Joe
"Hi Grandpa Joe," Nora said hugging him

"Hi Nora, Caitlin... Cassie.... What are you doing here?"

"We came by to say hello to Barry," Caitlin said. "We thought we'd eat together somewhere during his lunch break, would you like to join us?"

"No, I have something to do ..." Joe answered

"Cassie you and Cait go, Grandpa can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Of course..."

Joe and Nora went to Barry's lab and asked to be alone, leaving Barry puzzled.
"What did you want to talk to me about?" Joe asked

"About how you talked... or rather, how you didn't talk to my sister!"

"What are you referring to?"

"When you saw us you didn't even look her in the eye!"

"Look Nora, it makes me strange, she is Caitlin's daughter ... and"

"Yes, daughter of Caitlin and Barry, my sister, your granddaughter!"

"Look ... I don't know what to think ..."

"I hope you are kidding, Grandpa!" Nora said, standing up

"What's wrong with you?"

"To hell with the timeline, I've been calling Caitlin Mom since I was 10, and you walked her down the aisle! My sister is a full member of the family!" Nora said starting to get angry

"Sorry, I didn't think about that, but you have to care so much about Cassie"

"Yes, when she was about to be born I was afraid that Caitlin would replace me with her, but she reassured me by saying that to her we were both her daughters in the same way, I loved Cassie right away ... then ..."

"Then what?"

"Her first word was Nora, we have never separated since then, the 2 months she spent in Switzerland to finish her studies, it was the longest time we spent away, not counting when Bart and I went back in time for Godspeed but for her it was minutes, you know time travel ... "

"Okay Nora but I'm not sure I can get used to it ..."

"Do not do it"

"What do you mean?"

"When we get back to our time, don't think about Cassie.... Just one thing, when I'm about to be born you only have to do one thing, please swear to me!"

"Okay I trust you"

"Propose Caitlin as my godmother"


"It's a long story, in my time it was you who convinced mum to choose her ... ask no more, don't think about anything else ... please grandpa!"

"Okay I'll do it! About Iris, where is she?"

"She and Bart are at Citizen, they are working together, maybe this time that stubborn one will decide to study journalism at university"

"Reminds me of when Iris wanted to join the police after high school," Joe laughed
"Anyway you work as a CSI, Bart wants to do journalism but Cassie? You said she studied in Switzerland for 2 months, is doing an exchange program or is in a private school, like a boarding school ..."

"Here's proof you didn't talk to her!" Nora said laughing

"What do you mean?"

"Cassie is a genius!"

"Yes, she seems intelligent to me but ..."

"I mean literally a genius, Cassie has an IQ of 178-180, Einstein's was only 160! She has a medical degree, but has suspended her specialization because she wants to complete her degree in physics with a Ph.D. in quantum mechanics,now she is participating in an internship at CERN in Geneva, the most envied particle accelerator in the world, which however works contrary to that of the STAR laboratories "

"It's a joke?!"

"Of course not grandpa, she may seem haughty and arrogant at times but in reality she is a person who loves to help others, she collaborated in the development of a drug capable of treating severe cases of radiation poisoning, do you believe she helped me with exams for the forensics course, and she did physics repetitions to Bart! He didn't understand anything as the professor explained and thanks to her he always got the highest marks! "

"From how you describe her, your sister looks great but what's the catch?"

"Well maybe the fact that ..."


"She doesn't like being a genius, she would like to live a more normal life, she could read and write at 3, she finished high school at 10 and at 16 she already has 2 degrees among the most difficult in the world, she speaks 30 languages ​​she can learn one in a few hours and speak fluently in a day, and read 4500 words per minute "

"With speed isn't something easier?"

"Cassie had the powers of ice from an early age, Aunt Frost taught her how to control them, but she has only discovered speed 6 months since Darkest Thunder struck her with lightning, the one I described to you was the Cassandra Rose Snow-Allen from a year ago! "

"Here's the catch, she has a beautiful name but hard to say he looks like a tongue twister!" Joe said making his granddaughter laugh

"Grandpa Joe, I ask you again, would you like to join us for lunch?"

"Sure! So I'll meet my new granddaughter!"

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