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"He .... Henry .... Is he here?" Cassie asked

"Not yet, Not yet ... right now he's in the car with social services ... he'll be here in 2 hours" replied the agent, walking away

Barry closed the door to turn to his children, they were visibly shaken...
Cassie,  on the other hand, seemed more angry than anything else.

"What is happening?" Barry asked looking at Cassie

She didn't answer, took a deep breath, and threw a loud punch at the marble kitchen counter, shattering it, everyone looked at her in shock

"That damn... he killed her too" Cassie said after a few seconds of silence

"What does that mean? Who is Henry!?!" Barry said

"With the crisis you and the other paragons, keep the original memories, but ignore the earth-prime ones, well ... among the differences is the fact that you and Patty Spivot have been together almost a year, and when you two broke up and she moved ... She was pregnant.
She didn't tell you until after the birth, but with the crisis you didn't know it, you only found out in 2032 when you and mom had just decided to get married "Cassie said.

"I have a 6 year old son!?! Why didn't you say anything?" Barry said looking at Bart and Nora

"You forbade us to do it, you were in tears... Now we have to prevent Patty from dying and you know Henry right now ..."

"Cassie, No! I don't want to just ignore it for years just for the timeline! Then we can't go back in time without messing it up !!"

"We will rewind time, it's safer"

"No Cassie we won't!" Barry yelled

"We're already doing it," Cassie said

Barry looked around, Nora and Bart were together with him in a light-blue electric field, Cassie had already started to rewind time, the clocks were going backwards and before Barry could object it was 7am the previous day.

"What have you done!?!?" Barry yelled

"I made sure everything was fine! Dad you can't just accept this change created by Darkest Thunder! If you accept it we won't exist !!"

"What do you mean?!!" Barry asked screaming

"In the future you went back in time to get to know him, you tried everything: just to appear sporadically in his life, with and without telling Iris...
Doing this every time you messed up the timeline, in the best version you ended up getting married to Patty then get divorced, at worst you and Iris get divorced, Nora will live with her, Bart and I will not be born, Patty and Henry hated you and you lost everything!
To restore the timeline you had to ask Thawne for help"

"Okay, what do we do?"

"Let's stop Darkest Thunder, save Patty and solve everything !!!"

"I can at least explain..." Barry asked with tears in his eyes

"You can tell her about the crisis and the changes, even about her death but, ignore the rest don't mention Henry, if you talk about it the future could collapse..."

The four ran to Midway City, Cassie was in a hurry so she had used her speed as a wake to accelerate the others, they arrived in minutes, took off their suits and entered Patty's labs.

"Hi Patty... you're in danger ... we're here to avoid the worst" Barry said as he entered

"Barry, what do you want from me?! In these years you never showed up, you never wanted to meet him ... you never wanted to know anything about him" Patty replied without even looking at him

Changes After the Crisis (Snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now