74 Race against time: 6 hours

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"No, it's impossible!" Bart and Nora said

"Chaos Theory and the Butterfly Effect!" Cassie said

"The number of variables is too high! She could never control everything!" Nora said

"What does the idea of ​​the Tornado have to do with it?" Bart asked


"Sorry Cassie! That's why I dropped out of college after only one semester "

"I repeat to you for the umpteenth time: study journalism while you work at the Citizen!" Nora said

"Studying is not for me! You are the genes of the family! "

"However, returning to our discussion, the variables are controllable if you go through controlled attempts step by step!"

"What does it mean?"

"Darkest Thunder knows the source code of the multiverse! With what little I read I discovered her plan ... I just didn't know it went that far"

"What will you do?" Nora asked

"Simple! Let's stop her once and for all!"

"But if she's manipulated the timeline up to this point, what makes you think she doesn't know what we're going to do to her?" Bart asked

"She wants to defeat me! She wants to humiliate us! But she wants to do it herself! She never interfered in our plans "

"So how did she always escape?" Nora asked

"She's played this timeline game countless times ... she's likely to know many of our possible plans."

"We lost at the start then!" Bart said

"Don't say that Bart! We can still defeat her! "

"What are you proposing then !?" Bart yelled

"Bart Calm down!" Nora said as Cassie started laughing

"I thought you wanted a fight! Are you unable to fight without choosing the opponent's moves?!" Cassie yelled

"You are smarter than I thought, my dear!" Cassandra said, appearing at the entrance to the laboratory

"You are ..." Nora tried to say

"Yes, it's me! Don't try to attack me, you will end up hurting yourself!"

"Do you want to leave us alone!"

"Not yet! A little bird told me that you only have a few hours to live, my dear Cassie ... "

"Yes ... it's only 6 hours"

"Good! In 5 hours we will start the final battle! If you win I will let you go ... but if you lose ... well I won't even have to get my hands dirty! " Cassandra said before running away

"Let her go!" Cassie said

"Little sister with Dad's help, Bart and I can ..."


"Why?" Bart asked

"Because I say so! Neither of us can do anything against her! I don't have to waste time fixing your little things!" Cassie said

"What's wrong with you?" Nora asked

"I have to figure out how to stop her! But I don't know where to start!" Cassie said, starting to read Thawne's diary

"We'll come up with something, quiet little sister!" Nora said

"We can't do it alone!" Cassie said, crying with anger

"We can ask Dad and the rest of the Flash team for help these days," Bart said

"We can't!" Cassie said

"Look, we can only reveal to them the things they already know! They don't need to know everything! " Nora said

"Yes of course, Why didn't I think about it before?! Let's tell dad we have to kill the daughter he had with Aunt Frost / Caitlin in another timeline! " Cassie said

"Yeah ... I didn't think about it ... but you did ..." Nora said sitting down next to her sister

"You will see that we will invent something! You are the smartest person I know, little sister! If anyone is able to find a solution, that person is you! " Nora said hugging Cassie

"What do you want to know?" Cassie said

"What?" Nora asked puzzled

"You have the same face you used when you wanted to ask me to help you with the exams, mixed with the one you had when you broke my first microscope ... You want to ask me about Iris, don't you?"

"You were 6 when I broke your microscope! How do you remember that? "

"Eidetic memory, remember?"

"I can't hide anything from you ... anyway yes ... Did she leave me because of the Darkest Thunder?"

"Cassandra has altered the timeline countless times ... she planned everything perfectly ... and she almost certainly planned that too."

"What?!" Barry yelled from the lab entrance

"Dad, you shouldn't have heard!" Cassie said

"Where did you meet her?"

"Where we faced last time, but don't think about going to her! She won't listen to you" Cassie tried to say, but it was late, Barry had already gone super speed

"Dad, wait!" Nora said

"Let him go big sister!" Casie said

"What?" Nora and Bart asked in unison in shock

"She won't do anything to him..."

"How do you know?" Nora asked

"She wants to kill me in front of all of you ... then after talking to her, he will understand our point of view..."

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