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The next morning, Caitlin arrived at the S.T.A.R. Labs with a smile that went from ear to ear, Cisco found it really weird

"Dr. Snow, why are you so happy? Did you have a date?" he said laughing,

"Actually... yes" she said smiling even more,

"What !!? !!! Why didn't you tell me about it ??!? !!" he said stunned,

"You're my best friend but ... it's none of your business !! We decided not to say anything about our relationship at least for now" she said harshly,

"Caitlin!! This is even worse! You have a boyfriend and you didn't even tell me you were dating someone! who knows how long you were hiding it from me!!!" she was about to reply when Barry arrived 

"Hi guys, is there any news?"

"Sure Barry, Caitlin has a boyfriend and she hasn't said anything to anyone about it, I don't even know who he is !!!"

"What," Barry said in an unconvincing tone

"You knew it??!?!!!!!" cried Cisco "Is it possible that I'm always the last to know things !?", as soon as he finished speaking he saw the faces of his two friends turn red, so he blurted out "What ?! Barry is your boyfriend, that is, you two are ... you have ..."

"No" Caitlin interrupted him "We are together but we never ..."

"Ok ok ok I don't want to imagine anything" Cisco said, "But how are you going to tell everyone, especially Joe ?!",

"Joe already knows" said Barry with a convinced tone "as for Nora ... We would prefer to wait and see how things evolve"

"She has already suffered so much, we don't want her to suffer even more" Caitlin added as she hugged Barry.

As Cisco complained about finding out that way, Barry's phone rang, it was Chief Singh who had a case for him.

A few seconds later the speedster arrived at the CCPD and smiling said "Here I am Chief".

The two went up the stairs and entered the laboratory closing the sliding door behind them, lowered the shutters and turned on the lights, then the commander took out a file from the inside pocket of his jacket, along with some bags for evidence "Barry I need you to analyze this evidence, it's a personal matter, it's about my sister, she was framed for a murder she didn't commit, I've tried everything but everything seems to lead to her, I need your help ",

"Sure Commissioner, I'll cancel my schedule for today, you'll have the results by tonight," Barry said,

"Thanks, but what did you have planned, something with your children? If it's a problem I can wait until tomorrow" said Singh backing away,

"No ... I had a date, but I'm sure she'll understand"

"You're dating a girl!? I'm glad you're recovering but... don't you think it's too soon?"

"It's the same thing she and I thought at the beginning, Joe said it too, but with her I finally manage to get up in the morning with the will to live, and the strength to be next to Nora and Bart" Barry replied,

"She must be an incredible woman, I hope she understands the situation, if there are problems tell me, she is temporarily under house arrest and the trial will not start until the end of the month, so you would have a week" Singh said feeling guilty about the request,

"Chief, you know I understand your situation! My father spent years in prison as an innocent, however my girlfriend will understand ..." Barry paused for a moment to start giggling

"What's wrong with you, Allen!?" Singh said, dazed by the situation,

"She is a doctor, and a bioengineer and works as a geneticist, I can ask her to help me, so we will spend the day together and always together we will help you to exonerate your sister!".

Barry was right, Caitlin caught up with him right away, the two went on an unusual date together even by their standards: working to solve a murder, analyzing the evidence all day finding several errors in the tests, performed too hastily by the other CSIs.

In the evening around 10:30 pm Singh returned to the lab and asked "Allen you and your girlfriend, have you found anything to help my sister?" ,

"Chief Singh, you came at the right time, we discovered something that the other CSI had missed" Barry said

"What?" Singh asked,

"Your sister was exposed to the explosion of the particle accelerator, and became a meta-human, however in what was identified as her blood on the scene there is no trace of dark matter," Caitlin said as she approached the Singh's shoulders handing him the results of the analysis

"Doctor Snow !? Are you Barry's mystery girl !? How long have you been together? You doesn't have to answer" Singh said, surprised to see her,

"It's not a problem Commissioner, Barry and I have been together since ... last night actually" she said smiling,

"Good for you, you know I told my husband years ago that you two were fine together, can I take a picture of you so I can win the bet and he'll stop making fun of me?"

The couple laughed and agreed, when they were alone they exchanged a kiss, even if they were together only one day, now theirs was a serious relationship that was becoming official.

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