79 Race against time: 1 hours

298 8 2

Cisco laboratory

"I'll leave you alone, I'm going to find Barry!"

"Wait, mom! Do not go!"


"I'm not an engineer, I don't know where to start with the plan ... we can spend some time together the two of us ... I don't want to think about dying, but I can't ignore the clocks that run ... so can we? I don't want to die without talking to you..."

"Honey, you won't die! We won't allow it! Anyway, come on, we can go to the lounge!"

Cassie smiled at her mother's response, and carried her into the lounge at super speed

"It wasn't necessary!" Caitlin said as she recovered from her dizziness

"Sorry, but I wanted to spend some time with all of you, starting with you!"

"What did you want to talk about?"

"For the first time in my life, I'm really scared!"

"For the first time?"

"Yes ... when they captured us I was not afraid because I felt deep down that we would run away ... that at least I would be saved ... but now I don't think I have that hope! I just feel fear!"

"It's normal to be afraid! Fear helps us not to make the wrong choices! But often facing fear is something that helps us face life! Didn't you feel scared the first time you had to kiss?"

"Yes, but above all it was a mix of embarrassment and impatience! It wasn't fear ... the fear came later ..."

"What do you mean?"


"Rose!" Caitlin said worriedly

"My first kiss was with a guy from Central City University... the problem was that after we kissed I found out ..." Cassie started to say before breaking off in embarrassment.

"What? Were you ahead of him?"

"I didn't think he was studying physics! He told me science, he thought I was a daddy daughter from Central City High School, but ..."

"But after a few dates, did you discover that you were in the same course?" Caitlin asked laughing

"He was in my course!"

"What did you mean?"

"I found out I was his physics professor!"


"My first university assignment and I fell in love with a student! This is embarrassing ... the scary part was the fact that I risked not being able to work at CERN"

"So your boyfriend was your student?"

"No ... the next day he started dating someone else ..."

"I'm sorry..."

"No, it was better that way! He never found out, so I didn't have any repercussions!"

"I'm happy for you then ... Why did you want to talk to me? This time tell me the truth"

"Because you're dead ..." Cassie said as she began to cry

"Honey, you couldn't do anything for me! Don't be sorry!"

"It's not for that! You were the first to die..."

"I'm sorry..."

"I was angry because they had captured us ... we were prisoners for 3 months, the structure was large, so we had enough freedom ... you remember that with Uncle Cisco and dad we were discussing a possible escape route, I was nervous, I was thinking of something else ... you came to me to console me, you caressed my head, looked into my eyes ... it was a perfect moment to hug you, but I don't know why, but I didn't ... I told myself I would do it later ... "Cassie said crying

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