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Two weeks had passed, Nightmare Girl continued to wreak havoc in the city, but Nora had other concerns, in fact Jack had never returned her calls and messages.

It was about lunchtime, Nora was walking around the Central City mall, she was about to try to call Jack, when she saw her sitting at a table in a restaurant, she wanted to get closer, but she saw a man sitting with her.

She began to vibrate until she became invisible, and came closer, what she saw sent her heart to pieces: the man Jacqueline was kissing with was Jamie Williams, Nora's best friend since she was 5 ... what they were saying made her feel even worse ...

"So Jacqueline ... has your wife decided to sign the documents?"

"I wish he had...she's crazy! She's been leaving me messages on my answering machine for days! You should listen to how she reacted to the change of my answering machine"

"You know that she is crazy, look at her mother, then her father married his mistress ... Then she is convinced that she is XS! I don't want her to be close to the two of us, rather to the three of us ... when will we know the sex of the baby? "

"In about three months!"

Nora was devastated, her wife had been in a relationship for over 2 months, and she was even pregnant! Nora wanted to get away, away from them, but decided not to, instead chose to stop vibrating and appear in front of them

"I'm not crazy, I'm really XS"

"Nora, honey ..." Jack said

"The conditions of the divorce ... I refuse them!"

"What? Should I leave the apartment to you?!"

"I don't want it, what I want is all the investments I've made in what is now your law firm, which I remind you is partly mine! Finally I want you to get out of Central City!"

"You have no right," Jamie said, "We can choose to live where we want!"

Nora put her hands on their shoulders and emitted what seemed to them like a small electrical charge

"That's it," Nora said


"We are in flashtime, a flash's trick, now no one can see or hear us, we are motionless for all to see!"

"What do you want from us !?" Jamie said

"What did you want from my wife!" she said furiously to Jamie "These are my conditions!"

"Otherwise?" Jacqueline said, provoking Nora

"I will destroy you, know that I would be entitled to 50% of everything, but I don't give a damn, you can keep everything else! Move even one request and I will annihilate you in court!"

"I'm the best lawyer in the state, and one of the best in the country, you just a CSI with social problems! Who do you think will win?"

"You are a stress medication lawyer who had a nervous breakdown 2 years ago, I'm XS! Who do you think will win!"

"You know what the risk of losing the law firm! Your shares are worth 13 million dollars!"

"My share is worth 28 million! I want the sum of money I invested 7 years ago, with interest! Your uncle's law firm was bankrupt, my grandmother Carla and I helped you with $ 2 million ... you and your uncle created an empire that you inherited and now at 27 years old...
Now that my grandmother is dead the shares she invested are mine, you know it better than me!

You know well that, despite the division of assets under the prenup contract, the law firm is owned by both of us! Indeed ... it is more mine than yours! I don't care if you lose everything! You just destroyed my life! Prepare the new documents!"

With that said Nora returned to normal speed and walked away from the mall.

Rings rings

"Hello? I'm Nora Allen, who's talking?" Nora said absently answering her cell phone, without looking at the number

"Nora, it's Cassie!"

"What happen sis?"

"Where are you ?! I tried to call you but you didn't answer!"

"I was with Jack, we just...."

"Come to STAR Labs, now! Nightmare Girl, she walked in and hurt Mum!!!  For now, For now she is paraplegiac!!"


"Mom! How do you feel?" Nora said in tears as she entered the infirmary

"I am alive"

"I'm sorry Mom, I should have protected you!"

"It's not your fault, MY LITTLE ONE you did everything possible," Caitlin said closing her eyes


"Don't worry Nora! I gave her a sedative, she's just sleeping"

"Can you operate on her?"

"It's a very complex surgery, I can do it, but in short, I can't operate for at least 2 weeks ...  She won't be able to walk before New Year's"

"I had to be here!"

"Don't worry Nora! Then you was with your wife, you weren't staying away on purpose!" Cassie said, hugging Nora

"More or less .... I have to tell you something, me and Jack, she ..."

"I found Nightmare Girl!" Chester said interrupting them

"Where is she?" Nora asked, with a look full of anger

"She is in an abandoned warehouse ..."

"Send me the position, I'll take her!" Nora said accelerating to super speed

"Cassie, aren't you going with her?" Chester asked

"The rest of us have temporarily lost speed... Nora is the only one still capable of running!"

In the warehouse

"Hi Nora! I was waiting for you!"

"Why did you do that!?"

"I wanted to make you suffer!"

"You almost killed my mother !!"

"You know she is not your real mother, she was your father's lover ... your mother left you, and she rebuilt her life! That Caitlin is worthless and doesn't deserve to live, then your wife ..."

"Leave my family a peace!"

"Nora," Chester said through the communications "She just wants to provoke you."

"You stay out of it!" Nora said, closing the communications

"Nora, you can't stop me! Now it's up to Cassie, then to the twins, so precious and unique, for you and also for science, they are homozygous of different sexes, something practically impossible! It will be fun to torture them!" Nightmare Girl said, sparking Nora's wrath


Nightmare Girl launched a wave of energy, Nora dodged it, her eyes were illuminated with yellow lightning

"How did you do!?"


"No! You will let me go, and I will kill everyone you love!" She said throwing another wave of energy, Nora dodged it, and screaming in anger hit Nightmare Girl with lightning.

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