78 Race against time: 2 hours

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"What did you have in mind to stop her?" Cisco said

"A classic: nanites"

"I don't think Palmer would be able to get it to us before you ..."

"No need, I have some!" Cassie said, handing Cisco the container

"How did you ..."

"They are an improved version, I designed them after my meeting with Cassandra"

"I repeat... how?"

"One hour of work in Flash Time is not a problem for me!"

"Not even you could improve this technology in just one hour!!"

"Sorry, I didn't explain myself well! I stayed in flash time until an hour passed in the outside world!"

"Sorry, but how many years have you worked?"

"Uncle Cisco! This is no time to waste time! Now you have to help me make a weapon specially tuned for Cassandra!"

"What's on your mind?"

"The idea of ​​the glove is not bad, but because of your persistence in watching them I hate the Avengers, so ... make a gun!"


"Use bullets with nanites and design them to disintegrate on impact, releasing nanites!"

"They could kill her! I can't do that!"

"We're speedsters, they won't kill her! Design your weapon based on Alex's, use bullets fast enough to surprise her, but so fragile that they would break on impact or if she tried to deflect them!"

"How long have you been thinking about this plan?"

"It was our idea ... we worked it out together with dad while Cassandra caught us!"


"Now let's get to work! There's no time to waste! We have to stop her before it's too late!"

"Do not panic!"

"I only have 2 hours to live! I don't want to die!" Cassie said almost in tears

"Hey Hey, don't cry! I'm sure everything will work out!"

"It's the same thing you said before Darkest Thunder killed you before my eyes! I saw you die! I don't want to die too! I don't want to die!"

"Don't be a little girl, you're stronger than that!" Cisco said

"Uncle Cisco, I'm a little girl! I'm only 17! I just got my driver's license, I never really fell in love, I never took a plane! Before Darkest Thunder my parents gave me a trip to Japan, my dream! I wanted to start traveling and have fun! I wanted to enjoy life for the first time! Instead here I am, with a watch on my wrist that tells me that there are 1 hours and 34 minutes to my death! "

"Listen, don't worry ..."

"Tell me one more time that everything will be okay and I'll freeze you!" Cassie said angrily

"Don't be mad at me! Rather help me! We have a long job ahead of us!"

"Rose, here's what you asked me..." Caitlin said as she entered the Lab with a set of test tubes

"Thanks mom! Ah, do you know if Nora and Iris have made peace?" Cassie asked, trying to hide her sadness

"Yes, they were hugging in the infirmary a while ago!"

"I'm happy for them ... have you talked to dad?"

"No, after you got out of the Cortex, he ran off without saying anything to anyone!"

"I think he's in the pipes, he often goes there to think ..." Cassie said

In the Pipelines

"Hi Barry!"

"Cait? Ah, Frost is you ..."

"I know you would have preferred my sister, but I needed to talk to you ..."

"What is it about?"

"Of your own dilemma: our daughter!" Frost said, sitting down next to Barry

"Did you love him? Savitar I mean?"

"We didn't do anything, I felt some sort of attraction for him, but I didn't think we'd ever go that far!"

"You and Cait ... did you feel anything for me?"

"Of course not!" Frost said laughing

"Is it really that ridiculous for you?" Barry asked laughing

"We didn't have feelings for you... actually I've never felt any ... or rather I did it indirectly with Caity's memories"

"What do you mean?"

"I know you know! Don't make my sister suffer or you will regret it!" Frost said laughing

"I would never make her suffer, not on purpose! She is my best friend ... but now we have to think about Cassandra"

"Yes ... only now do I understand how you felt when you brought Nora back to the future ... I understand that it is necessary to stop her, but I would like to save her!" Frost said in tears

"Don't cry Frost, if we catch her I am sure that sooner or later we will be able to redeem her! Savitar was evil, but you are not! You are a good person! I am sure that Cassandra is good, only she made the wrong decisions ... however is never too late to change! "

"She was a good person who, like me, was changed for the worse by life! What she went through made her into a monster, just like me!"

"You were never a monster! You just made bad choices! But you made up for your mistakes! You can always change your life and you are the prime example!"

"I understand why Cait will fall in love with you ... for the first time I regret being separated from her!" Frost said smiling

"As Cassie said, you will have two beautiful little girls who will be best friends with Dawn, so you have no reason to regret your old life!"

"Thanks Barry! I just hope fighting her won't be as hard as I think ..."

"It will be even worse ... but we have no choice ... we can only hope that one day we will be able to make her understand her mistakes" Barry said.

"I hope so too ... let's go back to the Cortex, the final battle is about to begin!"

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