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2049 Central City Hospital

"Hi Uncle Ronnie!" Cassie said as Ronnie woke up

"Hi Cassie... God what a headache!"

"Well after what you've been through it would be the least ... you should be in a medically induced coma to reduce the damage, but I needed to talk to you and I can't waste time"

"Thanks for your concern!"

"Look I'm a doctor! I know perfectly well that you are terribly sick, but normally they don't give painkillers to people in a coma, so hold back the pain and help me! Please it's important!"

"You are as cold as your mother was when we met! You gave me the same impression when we first met"

"When did you get back to Central City from the world of the dead and followed my mom home to talk to her..."

" ... I found her married with 5 children"

"Hard blow?" Cassie asked laughing

"No, the hard blow was that when I was FireStorm she came back with me only because the man she was in love with loved another woman, and she married me just to go on ..."


"Well if she hadn't, I would never have met Frost ... and I wouldn't be so happy, I have two wonderful daughters and an incredible wife ... even though it was very difficult to convince her that I didn't want to go out with her just because she was the frozen alter ego of Caitlin "

"We all thought that"

"... after your mother told me she was happy with her new life, I went to Jitters ... at the table next to mine was a woman with platinum blonde hair complaining about how cruel life was, I told her what had happened to me ... she turned around and only then did I realize who she was ... she told me what she had been through and only after 5 months of trying did she agree to leave "

"About your return ... what do you remember?"

"What you mean?"

"Uncle Ronnie! You and Professor Stein separated in the singularity to dissolve it, and you were given up for dead when Dad didn't find you ..."

"That ... I saw a strange wave of green energy, it hit me, I woke up in the middle of a road, I looked up and saw your mother ... then you know the rest ..."

"Well, what can you tell me about the wave?"

"Why are you asking me these questions?"

"It's my theory... you Iris and Eddie got hit by a wave of energy, I just need to get as much information as possible before I can proceed to the next step!"

"What is it about? If I may ask"

"You can't ask! Now answer my questions"

"I felt as if my hair, or rather the tips of my hair were starting to float ..."

"Did you smell a strange metal taste in your mouth?"

"How did you know that?"

"Iris and Eddie felt it too ... in a situation similar to yours ..."

"What does it mean?"

"I'm not sure yet ... but what else do you remember?"

"Well when I woke up it was like my body was burning from the inside ..."

"Your muscles ... were they strangely relaxed / contracted? Did you have goosebumps? Anything that can help me! Don't miss a single detail!"

"No, it was all normal... Cassie, what does all this mean !?"

"I can't tell you, it's too soon ... I have to go!"

"No! You have to tell me! If I understand what you think..." Ronnie began to say before Cassie injected him with a sedative.

"Sorry, but it's my mission! Not yours ... Auntie Frosty, maybe you will help me find the answers I need! "Cassie said as she accelerated to super speed home West.

Star Labs present

"How is Nora? Physically I mean," Iris asked Caitlin as soon as they were alone

"She is relatively well, her body has been partially affected by the merger ... I'm worried about her ..."

"She's my daughter, not yours," Iris said coldly

"Nora and I spent little time together, after we talked about our relationship in the future ... the good I wanted for her has grown exponentially ..."

"Then please stay away from my family !?"

"Iris! I don't want to take your family away from you... I have no feelings for Barry right now... and believe me he loves you more than anything in the world!
The only thing I know is that I care about Nora as a daughter, the only thing that matters to me is that she is okay! "

"Then don't restore her memories, at least for now ... I'd like to get closer to her ..."

"I'm sorry Iris, Cassie will need Nora when she gets back she said she had to talk to her ... anyway I think Bart has already told her almost everything about the future ..."

"Yes, but a story is not like having all the memories ..." Iris said, looking down

"Are you referring to the punch?" Caitlin said causing Iris to paralyze with grief

"I didn't want to do it ... it wasn't me ... like when I attacked you ..."

"I know ... but you hurt Nora deeply, and she suffered from it"

"What do you know about that punch !? How did Nora feel ?!"

"We talked about it... she came over to my house to talk to Cassie, and they told me everything the next day."

"You're just a liar!"

"Sorry, what?"

"You said you didn't want to take my place and instead my daughter confides in you!"

"Iris! We both didn't have a mother always there for us, you know it better than me, but you know that in some cases you don't talk to a parent, but you prefer to talk to friends or other relatives"

"But you are nothing to Nora! And leave my mother out of all this!"

"Iris calm down, this is not good for Nora"

"What are you saying !? She's in the infirmary, learning to love you instead of me!"

"I'm not talking about her! But the one you're carrying! Stress is not good for you! When did you last take your blood pressure?"

"2 weeks ago... why? Mainly why do you worry about me after what I told you?"

"Listen, you are my best friend's wife, you are the mother of what will be my goddaughter and above all you are my friend and I am a doctor!"

"Why are you so damn nice!"

"After all I've been through I let a few people approach me, I consider you a friend ... I haven't had that many, so I'm not sure ... anyway, the people I let approach I don't leave them in time of need as if they were nothing to me ... even if we never get along, I'll always worry! "

"For me or for Nora !?"

"You know what I'm telling you? Nora is right! You'll never change! Now come with me! I'll take your blood pressure! Don't you want to have anything to do with me? Good! I'll be your family doctor, as I've been practically for years! expect nothing from me! " Caitlin said in annoyance, dragging Iris to the infirmary.

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