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"Barry !! Nora !!! Are you OK?" Caitlin yelled through the microphone

"We're fine, but whatever that beam was, it destabilized our powers!" Barry said

"Do you have any advice mom?" Nora asked

"The data received is not sufficient to provide a valid plan!" Chester said

"Can you send us reinforcements?" Nora asked

"No, unfortunately we are alone! Allegra isn't in town until tonight, instead Bart is in the Speed ​​Force to meditate! "

"We'll do it alone then!" Barry said, helping Nora to get up

"Barry, go away!" Caitlin yelled. "That beam travels 8 times faster than the speed of light, and it moves following unpredictable trajectories, if you get hit you risk dying!"

"What's the Flash problem? You and your daughter don't know what to do? Well I give you an idea ... you can die! " Nightmare Girl said loading another shot, but before she could fire it, she was knocked off by an ice blast

"Aunt Forst ?! What are you doing here?!" Nora said surprised to see her on a mission

"I was in the area and I thought I'd have some fun!"

"Not today ..." Nightmare Girl said before disappearing into a cloud of energy.

Star Labs

"Frost, thanks for saving them!" Caitlin said hugging her sister

"It wasn't a problem, Caity!"

"What were you doing there?"

"Do you remember that Monday is Caity's birthday?"


"She's been begging me for 2 months to buy her a super expensive doll ..."

"You should learn to say no to your daughters!" Barry said laughing

"I tried to do as I did with Sophie ... but it didn't work so I was there to buy it but they were finished ..."

"You shouldn't make any distinctions... they might be offended," Barry said

"Dad I remind you that when I was 7 you made me do all the housework for 2 months, before giving me a bicycle .... while you gave Cassie a car!" Nora said laughing

"You earned your bicycle ... Cassie refused it, she asked me for a microscope,

Caitlin had already given you a telescope, so ...
For the car instead ... you destroyed Cisco's SUV in your first driving lesson ... "

"You swore never to talk about it again!" Nora said, turning serious "Anyway Aunt Frost, Dad is right! you shouldn't give the doll to Caity, Sophie will be jealous! Cassie and I shared the bike and the microscope, but I don't think it really works that way with a doll!"

"It's not my choice!" Frost said embarrassed "To get that doll, I gave them two specific tasks, which they could never complete, or so I thought ...

Sophie AKA "the most messy person in the world", she had to tidy up the room every night, then she had to wear elegant dresses for family lunches without complaining... as I thought she gave up after 5 minutes.

Caity, who hates school, had to be top of the class ... in less than 2 weeks "

"Sorry Aunt Frost, Caity is 5, she just got into school! Why did you ask her such a thing? You know how much she loves to play, she still hasn't gotten used to school! "

"I know it! That's why I told her so! In order that she was persuaded not to do it ... But your sister Cassie helped her! "

"What's wrong with that? My sister is the best teacher in the world! I mean she taught Bart quantum physics! " Nora said

"This morning Caity's teacher phoned me, he suggested that I send Caity ahead of at least 5 years, or have her do a lesson at home, since she already knows the differential equations!"

"Wow Frost is amazing!" Caitlin said

"I thought it was a joke ... I called Cassie, she told me she only taught her the basics of math, and left her some books ..."

"Books?" Barry asked "But Caity can't read!"

"Apparently she can! She learned in 2 weeks what a normal student normally learns in the last year of high school "

"My goddaughter is a genius!" Nora exulted "Finally something good today!"

"It's not good ... I don't want her to grow up too fast!"

"Frost, don't worry, you and Ronnie aren't alone! Barry and I have been through this before."

"Yes Auntie Frosty, we will help you! I will not leave my goddaughter alone!" Nora said

"Also tonight you can talk to Cassie about it, she will give you her opinion, being a prodigy girl" said Barry

"Listen, let's change the subject ... all this struck me in full ... What do we know about the human goal?"

"That she's not a meta-human, but an alien!" Chester said, entering the room

"I'm not in the mood for jokes!" Frost said

"This is no joke! She is a Naltorian, apparently she has powers similar to those of Nia Nal AKA the Dreamer!" Chester continued

"Perfect, we can ask Auntie Kara to help us!" Nora said

"No, she is busy with something worse ..."

"What do you mean? What could be worse than a supervillain throwing energy beams 8 times faster than light! "

"Let's worry about another time ... let's go to the anniversary dinner"

"Okay dad"

"By the way ... why are you coming alone?" Barry asked.

That sentence brought Nora back to reality ... she forgot she woke up in an empty bed, with divorce papers on the table...
She was ashamed to tell the truth, so she quickly made up an excuse

"Jack ... she has a commitment ... she apologizes so much, but she can't postpone ..."

"Okay Nora, let's go ... but if there are any problems, let me know! I'm always there for you!"

"Thank you Mom! I love you! Now let's go, I have to show you my new dress!" Nora said, trying to get rid of the bad thoughts

"Sure my Little one! Barry, honey, you go alone, Nora and I will join you!"

during the dinner

"I'd like to have a couple of words," Barry said as soon as everyone was seated at the table

"As you all know, when I was little Joe adopted me, he gave me a home, he gave me a family after I thought I had lost everything! He is an incredible person who has always gone out of his way to help others! He Always puts his happiness in the background, to help everyone around him! Now Thanks to Cecile, he has finally achieved the happiness he deserves! To Joe and Cecile! "

"All very good, too good, it's time to bring some chaos" said Nightmare Girl, appearing from a cloud of energy

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