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The next morning the team Flash decided to do some tests on Cassie's powers, so everyone went to the speed lab.

"That's it, the last sensor is positioned" Cisco said attaching a strange device to the young speedster's suit badge "It's an improved version of the one used for Barry, so we'll be able to map your parameters even at such extreme speeds"

"Fantastic!" She replied "But I don't know how safe it is to run in here ... in the future, the first time here I destroyed the windows"

"Don't worry, daughter of art ... there is no danger"

Cassie therefore began to run, accelerating gradually with each lap, Mach 1, Mach 2, until reaching Mach 10 900, Barry's maximum speed immediately after the crisis, she continued to accelerate more and more until she reached the range limit of the sensors and destroying the glass in the laboratory, everyone was amazed.

"How the hell do you run so fast?" Cisco asked as soon as Cassie stopped

She laughed and replied:

"Speed ​​for a speedster is virtually unlimited, said Thawne...
This is only partially true, the limitation is given by several factors, the link with the Speedforce that gives the strength to run, and what can be defined as a shell of protection that allows a speedster not to be disintegrated, this acts as a limiter and prevents from exceeding otherwise lethal speeds.
with my Cryogenic power I can reach a higher speed and, like dad does, I can extend this shell sharing part of my speed "

"Sorry Cassie but ..." Caitlin said "...Frost and I are separated if you are my daughter how can you have freezing powers?"

"As you know, your powers do not come from the explosion of the particle accelerator but from an induced genetic mutation, Well... a part of Frost's genetic information is still written in your DNA" Cassie replied.

"Now it's my turn to ask something" said Wally "What was that thing you did in the fight when you split up?"

Cassie smiled and began to vibrate "See Uncle Wally is a trick that dad will discover in the future and everyone will try to replicate it but... so far I'm the only one who has succeeded" while she vibrated suddenly she split into two copies that immediately stopped vibrating, everyone was shocked, even Nora and Bart.
Those two had seen her and their father do it several times but it was always something incredible.

"By vibrating at the right speed, a speedster can physically separate the atoms and create two halves with each part of the initial atoms" said a Cassie

"It is less safe than a temporal residue but does not emit traces of temporal radiation, moreover the separation can last longer for a long time not constituting a temporal paradox, besides we share a telepathic contact "continued the other,

"which allows us to fight more efficiently" they said in unison, before rejoining.

Cisco was about to ask another question when a bank robbery alarm went off, Barry looked at his "new" daughter and said "I can't believe I'm going to say that but... Cassie, show me what you can do!"

She screamed for joy and they ran away, when the team was arrived at the Cortex, to monitor the mission, found father and daughter sitting at the tables

"What are you waiting for ?!" Cisco said

the two sprinters burst out laughing and said: "We are already back".

"How is that possible!? It's been 20 seconds !!!!?" Iris said

"Cassie was amazing, she stopped and arrested all 5 robbers at such speed that I couldn't see her!" Barry said

Nora hugged her sister congratulating her on her first mission in the past, seeing that scene Barry and Caitlin almost bursting with happiness, Iris instead had different thoughts, Bart and Nora had defined Cassie as their sister, it was evident that they had struggled to define her as half-sister, yes she realized a fact.... Barry and Caitlin would have gotten together when Bart was under a year old....... She was afraid that the word, MOM, had been denied her because to Bart her mother was Caitlin.

While Iris was absorbed in her thoughts Nora said, "What do you think if we celebrate Cassie's arrival, today is Christmas for the three of us"

"What were you thinking?" Barry said

"what about a night in a restaurant all together, as a family, between the three of us, you mom and Caitlin?" Nora answered.

"Me!?" Caitlin asked.

"You are my mother and Barry is my father, everything is complicated now but we are family," Cassie said making Caitlin's heart fill with joy.

Iris was more and more perplexed about the situation they were facing as a family, had Nora invited Caitlin to what she had called a family dinner? Had she invited Caitlin because of Cassie or because she considered her... her mother?

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