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during the dinner

"I'd like to have a couple of words," Barry said as soon as everyone was seated at the table

"As you all know, when I was little Joe adopted me, he gave me a home, he gave me a family after I thought I had lost everything! He is an incredible person who has always gone out of his way to help others! He Always puts his happiness in the background, to help everyone around him! Now Thanks to Cecile, he has finally achieved the happiness he so deserves! To Joe and Cecile! "

"All very good, too good, it's time to bring some chaos" said Nightmare Girl, appearing from a cloud of energy

"Who are you?" Barry asked, trying not to be recognized as the Flash

"Flash, you know who I am!" Nightmare Girl said

"How did you find out?"

"I have my sources, Barry Allen! Time to say goodbye to your family!" she said, sending out a wave of energy

Barry and his sons sped up as they entered Flash Time

"Dad what do we do?" Bart asked

"You two nothing!" Cassie said looking at Nora and Bart

"Your sister is right," Barry said, speeding up with Cassie to hyper flash time.

"Dad, I think about Nora and Bart, you start evacuating the others!"

In a few moments everyone was already out of the restaurant, the wave of energy, meanwhile, had already reached the table

"What do we do with her?" Cassie asked, approaching the criminal

"Watch out Cassie! We can't touch her, she emits a strange frequency that destabilizes our powers" Barry replied

"Too bad.... Wait! You said Aunt Frost helped you in the beginning, maybe I can do something!" Cassie said as her hair and eyes turned white

"Don't try! When a nuclear bomb exploded in Central City years ago, I took Frost in flashtime, to freeze the bomb, she could hardly make ice!"

"Do you have any other ideas dad?" Cassie asked

"Cassie, my daughter, You are a physicist, I am a CSI! You propose something!"

"You rejected my first idea, my second would be to destabilize its molecular structure, exploiting the effects it causes on us speester against her!"

Changes After the Crisis (Snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now