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The next morning Caitlin woke up around 7:00 when a ray of sunlight illuminated her face. Opening her eyes she realized that Nora had fallen asleep hugging her, the serene face of that so adorable little girl inexplicably filled her heart with joy.

As she was about to wake her, the phone rang

"Hi Barry, sorry if I whisper, but Nora is here with me and she's still sleeping"

"What do you think if you go to my lab at CCPD, so at least Nora will have something to do today"

"She wants to go to the museum, I introduced her to astronomy last night, and she can't wait to visit that section of the museum!"

"Really ?! It's great!"

"Yes, now I have to get ready and get up before waking her up"

"What do you mean?"

"Um ... I didn't have clean sheets, I didn't want her to sleep on the sofa and when I offered her my bed she insisted on sleeping with me"

"Couldn't you have told her she was old enough to be alone?" Barry asked

"I did but ..."

"But what? You can't say no... you spoil her too much," Barry said in a mock stern tone.

"How could I tell her no, I couldn't dismiss her argument"

"That is?"

"That you sleep with Iris!"

"Wait! Did she really say that?!" Barry said laughing out loud

"Yes, now BYE! I'll say hello to Nora from you ... can I have lunch with her in a restaurant tomorrow? It's a friend's, she's just opened"

"Okay Cait, just don't make her eat junk food, see you later," Barry said closing the call

After 30 minutes, Caitlin and Nora were already on their way to the girl's school.

"Welcome Nora! I thought you weren't coming today! Who are you, excuse me?" asked Nora's teacher, seeing her arrive with Caitlin

"She is Auntie Caity! I slept at her house today!"

"You mean tonight?"

"No, it was after midnight so it was today!" Nora said smiling

"Excuse what ?!" the teacher said, glaring at Caitlin

"She explained me what astronomy was and we stayed late looking at the stars with her telescope," Nora said, without realizing Caitlin's embarrassment

"It will mean that you will have fun in the astronomy section of the museum, now go to your classmates Nora" said the teacher approaching Caitlin

"Look, I can explain ..." Caitlin tried to say, to be interrupted by the laugh of the teacher

"Don't tell anyone ... but I did the same thing with my sister once a month"

"You're not going to tell Nora's parents, are you? The father would laugh when he did the same as a child, the mother... she and I don't get along very well.... "

"Then why are you her godmother?"

"Knowing she was a girl, the parents wanted to choose a godmother, the Father's choice was me, the Mother's choice was a friend of ours from National City ... in the end they chose me"

"Okay, now goodbye, we have to leave!" said the teacher, calling the children back.

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