51 Race Against Time: 24 hours

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Race against time

24 hours left

"What happened?" Nora shouted, waking with a start

"Honey, don't worry, you're safe," Caitlin said, checking her eye reflexes

"I feel like I've been hit right in by a truck!" Nora said

"According to Cassie, it would have done less damage."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you remember?"

"No, all I remember is Cicada hit me in the back, then who is Cassie?"

"What?!!" Caitlin said dropping the flashlight in shock

"Are you okay Caitlin?"

"Yes, wait for me here ..." Caitlin replied in a faint voice leaving the Infirmary


"Mom, is Nora okay?" Cassie asked, seeing Caitlin enter

"No!" Caitlin answered still in shock

"What do you mean?" Iris asked

"She has lost her memory, she is convinced that she has just been attacked by Cicada! She has no subsequent recollection, besides she knows nothing of the other timeline!"

"How is it possible?" Bart asked

"They merged together, but it didn't work!" Caitlin said angrily

"Maybe she'll make a full recovery," Iris said

"It's easy for you to talk! She's your Nora! Bart and I may have lost our sister forever as we know her!" Cassie said

"Listen, calm down! Iris didn't want to offend you"

"Then she could just as easily come back with you and you would explain everything to her," Iris said.

Cassie gave a hysterical laugh "Ah yes, let's take Nora to an alternate future, where she has a brother, a half-sister, then the twins! Ah Nora you know, Their mother is Caitlin Snow, dad's best friend, but also your foster mother ... Ah then there's Henry ... "she said before Bart shut her mouth

"Look, we have to get Nora's memory back! And fast, Cassie has less than 24 hours left!"

"Where do we start from?" Frost asked

"I have no idea! We don't know anything about him!" Cassie said

"What if we started from there?" Barry said

"What do you mean?" Bart asked

"Let's find out who he really is, so we'll stop him for good!"

"We don't know where to start!" Cassie said

"What do we know about him?" Joe asked

"Nothing! He appeared a few months before Christmas, he hit me with lightning, to disappear as if nothing had happened! He reappeared every now and then in the city feeling terror, then reappeared at Christmas! In my timeline he kidnapped you, then he came to Switzerland and took me too ... then he killed you, I ran away and you know the rest ... "

"So you don't know anything about that Blue-Green demon? But did it do any good besides almost making my daughter die?" Iris said

"You ... wait ... what did you say ?!"

"Iris!" Barry said "Cassie forgive her! Honey, what's wrong with you?"

"You know I'm right!"

"Iris, repeat it!"

"You only need to ..." Iris began to say

"Not that! The Monster part," Cassie interrupted

"You don't know anything about that blue-green monster," Iris said, not understanding Cassie's reaction


"What did I miss?!" Bart asked

"Dad, I understand everything! Maybe ... I need some proof! I take Thawne's sphere, I have to go home, in the future, you find a way to restore Nora's memory!"

... .Present time

"Bart, since Nora has to recover and we can't go to her, you want to come with me to Jitters, I'd like to talk to you about something in private," Iris said.

"Of course"


"Bart, I'll get straight to the point, who is Henry?"

"Mom ... I don't know who you're talking about ..."

"Don't lie to me, when Cassie said that name you shut her mouth! Literally! Tell me who she is, I'm pregnant and stress is not good for Nora!"

"This could make everything worse ..."

"Bart ... you owe me! You didn't tell me anything about Caitlin and your father ..."

"The speedforce has forbidden to reveal too many things ..."

"Bart! Tell me or I'll find out for myself!" Iris yelled, drawing everyone's attention

"Okay ... his name Henry Joseph, he's my brother ... he's 5 years old"

"If you haven't told me about him ... is he part of the family?"

"More or less..."

"Wait, 5 years... Caitlin cheated on Barry! So why do you call him brother?"

"He is 5 years old here, right now"


"His mother is Patty Spivot ... he is a change in the crisis ... Dad met him when I was 2 years old ... after the divorce"

"How did Caitlin react?"

"In the end they got married, so fine"

"What? Barry married another woman when he knew he had a son with Patty! And Caitlin wasn't even pregnant!"

"Mom, calm down!"

Star Labs, meanwhile

"Barry, who is Henry?" Caitlin asked when she and Barry were left alone

"Cait ... I can't tell ..."

"Barry, Cassie said the same thing too ..."

"Okay, Henry is my son"

"Wait what?"

"His mother is Patty, he's a change in the crisis, I found out about him thanks to Nora, Bart and Cassie ..."

"Oh my God, Barry," Caitlin said hugging Barry

"Aren't you angry?"

"Why should I? We are best friends, and if I accept Nora and Bart in the future, why should I refuse Henry !?"

"I'm happy to hear that from you!"

"How did Iris react?"

"I didn't tell her, and neither will you ... do you remember how she reacted to Cassie?"

"Why did you tell me?"

"Because, I trust my best friend!"

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