Chapter 2 A New Friendship

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May 13th, 2005

    As I walked out the doors of the school, I could hear the confused and curious whispers of the students that have yet to have already left the school premises. I was surprised how many were still around. I assumed most of them were waiting for club activities to start.

    "Who are those guys?"

    "Why are they at our school?"

    "Looks like they are waiting for someone."

    "Who do you think it is?"

    I paid no mind to the rest of them as I reached closer to the school gates.

    "Kairi! Hey, over here."

    I looked ahead of me to where I heard the familiar voice call my name. I saw Mikey with one hand in his pant's pocket while the other was waving towards me. There was a grin on his face as he called out to me. Draken was standing silently a little bit behind him.

    What is he doing here?

    Yesterday, he had asked me to hangout with him so we could get to know each other but I declined saying that it wasn't a good time. I was exhausted from the fight after using a body that wasn't used to using such techniques. I just wanted to go home.

    He seemed to be fine with it and said we would just have to hangout another time. We parted ways after that. I never expected him to come to my school and be waiting at the school entrance for me.

    Once I got closer to the two boys, I asked, "What are you doing here?"

    "What do you mean? We said we would hangout." His grin never left his face.

    I don't remember agreeing to that. We just met yesterday.

    "But coming to my school?"

    "We didn't exchange numbers so I had to come to your school," he informed me.

    Ah, right.

    I could hear some of the new whispers of the male students that were witnessing this.

    "Hanagaki-san knows them?"

    "Is that why she is so hot now? She's shagging up?"

    "Oh, yeah. She totally lost her virginity. It makes sense now."

    "Oh, man. You think I have a shot with her?"

    Oh, boy.

    Mikey's grin was wiped off as I watched his expression turn cold. His attention was now on the people gossiping about me. He looked so pissed off.

    "Hahaha," I heard a familiar voice laugh from somewhere behind me back to the school doors, "Look at that. What a slut. Kairi-chan, with not one but two boys from a different school? You sure get around."

    I turned my body slightly to look at her. I smiled, "We don't all have to spread our legs to get attention from guys. That's just you because of your shitty personality, Sakura-chan."

    She was shocked and opened mouth at my words. Good.

    I turned back to Mikey and Draken, "Let's go."

    I walked and the two boys silently followed along with me.

    "Sorry, I didn't realize that showing up at your school would cause you problems," Mikey apologized to me. He still looked pissed, like he was ready to punch something or someone.

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