Chapter 10 Claim

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** Thank you a million times for all the support and the votes! I am so happy to see people are enjoying this story! Hope you keep on enjoying it! ^_^

September 5th, 2005

My return to school after summer vacation was an adjustment. Word had spread that I was the Invincible Mikey's girlfriend. The boys would not look at me and the girls stayed away from me. It wasn't like I had friends in school in the first place but the looks they were giving me made me feel like I was some kind of unicorn or something.

I walked towards the school doors, glad to finally be done with school. I was trying to get by the crowd that gathered around. Once I made my way through, my eyes widened at the sight before me.

Mikey was at the school entrance to pick me up. But what shocked me was that Sakura was all over him with her arms around his neck, her body pressed up against him.

Are you serious?

Mikey spotted me. His eyes widened at the sight of me. I was sure he was hoping he could have dealt with this situation before I got there.

"Kai, this isn't-"

Sakura turned her head to look at me, a smirk on her lips, "Your boyfriend is such a good kisser, Kairi-chan. You wouldn't mind if I stole him, would you?"

This bitch is really trying to provoke me in front of the whole school.

"Funny," I started, "You make it seem like you could steal him from me." I took a few steps closer to the two of them. "The only reason you're still clinging on to him is because my boyfriend wouldn't ever hit a woman." I stood right in front of them now, "But that won't stop me."

Her eyes narrowed, "You wouldn't dare hurt me in front of so many witnesses."

"Are you sure?" I smiled cruelly at her, "You are touching someone that is mine."

I saw her shake in fear. She slowly unwrapped her arms from his neck. Mikey quickly moved out of her reach. Pulling me to his body. I wrapped my arms around his neck like she had.

I looked at her, "This is what it looks like when a guy actually wants to be yours, Sakura-chan."

Unlike with her, his arms were wrapped around my waist. He kissed the top of my head, displaying the affection he had towards me to everyone here.

"I just," she started, "I don't understand! No one changes in a day! You were so pathetic! I could squash you like a fly! You were nothing but a dirty, disgusting, ugly girl! You were worthless! How? How did you change so much?"

She was right. Sakura had tormented the past Kairi for a very long time. Kairi had been so severely bullied that she just couldn't take in anymore. Sakura had pushed Kairi to take her life. That's how I ended up in this body. In this universe.

"I guess I got tired of being a fly," I pulled away from Mikey to face her, "You go after my boyfriend again and you will see what it feels like to be a fly. You understand?"

Her body shoek, tears began to gather in her eyes, "You're just a dumb bitch! You can have him!" I watched her stomp off.

I heard Mikey sigh beside me, "Thanks, Kai."

I looked at him, I laughed, "I think this might be the only time I get to protect you."

Mikey was one of the strongest guys I knew. He might actually be the strongest. Even if I had my old body, I wouldn't be close to his speed and strength. I would never get to protect him. Well, except from girls like Sakura.

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