Chapter 11 Attack

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October 7th, 2005

"Hanma? So, you choose now to make a move huh?"


I was told about the new gang that was being formed with Hanma as its Vice-Commander. But they had been strangely quiet for sometime. It made Mikey uneasy and that was why he was spending time with Draken to figure things out and come up with a plan. It was as if they had been waiting for a time I wouldn't be with Mikey.

Hanma had an evil smile on his face, "Give us the girl and no one has to get hurt."

Mitsuya responded, "Not happening."

Hanma only laughed maniacally, "Have it your way."

The armed Valhalla members moved in on the attack. I watched as Mitsuya would evade their strikes and return some of his own. While he was busy, some of the guys went after me.

I pivoted on my foot, roundhouse kicking one of the guys in the side of the head. It was enough to cause him to stagger back. My eyes narrowed in on the others coming after me. I ducked down, sweeping my foot out to unbalance them. Two of them fell on their asses. It was enough of an opening for me to jump on their shoulders and launch myself at some of the guys that were standing behind.

My mind stilled with extreme focus. No unnecessary thoughts came to the service. I let my body move as I have been trained to do. Block. Dodge. Counter. My technique was effective but my body began to protest. Sweat slid down my forehead.


"How useless are you, idiots? Can't even take care of one girl?" I heard Hanma taunt his guys.

Oh, no.

His words made his desired impact. The guys began to attack more aggressively. I barely had time to move out of the way of their strikes.

"Oof," I let out as I was kicked back on to my ass.

I managed to block by making an 'X' across but it still propelled me back. I was sure my arms were going to have huge bruises.

"Kairi!" I heard Mitsuya call my name.

I turned to look at him. His worried expression looked down at me. My eyes widened in shock as one of the guys came out of nowhere and struck Mitsuya in the head with a pipe. My friend's body fell on the ground.

"Mitsuya," I let out, "Mitsuya!"

I rushed to him, turning him over on his back. His head was severely bleeding. His blood covered my shaky hands.

No. No this can't be.

I felt the sting in my eyes before they blurred with tears. I leaned down, hoping I could hear him bleeding.

Please. Please. Please.

I heard sounds of his breathing, sending relief to flow through me. I looked around for my school bag I had dropped before the fight to get to my phone. I had to call an ambulance.

Before I could even stand up to go find it, I felt an arm around my waist pulling me. I struggled in their grasp.

"Let me go! Mitsuya needs help!" I screamed as I continued to thrash around.

My body ached and I felt the exhaustion taking over. I hardly had enough energy to be of a nuisance to my capture. I cried out of worry and frustration.

Mitsuya, hang on. Please don't die.

"Should we just knock her out?" one of the guys said.

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