Chapter 25 Christmas Eve

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December 18th, 2005

"What are you thinking of getting Mikey?"

I turned around to the smiley blonde beside me. I sighed. My feet already felt as though they were about to get calluses. We've been going from shop to shop for hours. I would never understand girls and shopping. But I was still glad to be out with the girls while we picked out presents for our boyfriends.

I shrugged, "I'm not really sure."

"I'm sure he will be happy to get anything as long as it's from you," Hinata said as she looked over the table filled with clothes with her own warm smile.

Emma giggled, "Right? He is hopelessly in love with Kairi-chan. He'd love anything he got."

I rolled my eyes, "And you two? What are you getting my brother, Hinata? And for Draken, Emma?"

They both blushed, looking away from me.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Draken isn't my boyfriend."

"Still? I'd think you two would get together by now."

Hinata nodded her head, "You'd make such a cute couple."

Emma waved her hand, "No. No. Draken hasn't noticed me." She sighed, "he only cares about Mikey and bikes."

"Hm. Should I be jealous then? Will Draken try to steal Mikey from me?" I joked.

The three of us laughed at the thought.

"No way," the two girls said, still laughing.

'Breaking news,' I turned to the tv in the shop. 'The members of the Tokyo Syndicate have been arrested. With the substantial amount of evidence that was sent to the police anonymously, some of the members will be sentenced to life in prison while others are awaited to be placed on death row. The leader-"

I smiled, Good work, Rin.

Asmodeus had completed his mission with Ayato's father figure's help. They were able to plant a virus in the leader's laptop with all the evidence they could possibly need for the Tokyo Syndicate to be brought to its knees. Asmodeus was meticulous as he first took out all the money that the Syndicate had so that they couldn't buy anyone's silence or their way out of this. Once the money was pulled from all their accounts, Asmodeus was able to send all the evidence he could find on them and sent it to the police.

One obstacle down.

I wished it was this simple to deal with Kisaki. But he wasn't a crime boss. Not yet. We couldn't take his money and he left no trace of evidence. He hadn't slipped up yet.

Only a matter of time though.

I had to believe that.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I blinked before looking over my shoulder to see Mikey holding me. I heard Hinata and Emma giggle before they wandered further in the shop.

I frowned, turning towards my boyfriend. I pressed my hands on his chest as I looked up at him with the best annoyed face I could give him but he made it difficult when he looked at me with a warm smile that melted my heart.

"Mikey, you know that today I-"

He kissed my forehead, "I know. But Emma texted me, asking me to take you out to eat."

I blinked, "She did?"

He nodded as he continued to smile down at me, "Yeah. Let's go eat together. I'll bring you back to the girls when we are done."

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