Chapter 40 Enraged

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February 16th, 2006

Mikey drowned out the sounds around him. The more time that went by as he waited in the waiting room of the hospital, the more of his mind was lost to the darkest of thoughts. It wasn't like when Draken had been stabbed. Mikey did not offer any comforting words or ordered them all to be quiet. How could he do that when all he wanted was to destroy the person who dared to hurt his Kai? How could he do that when the calm rage that consumed him prevented him from caring about how his friends felt? Who cares? Kai was his everything. Who would blame him for being selfishly wrapped upon his feelings of revenge?

Takemichi's body was shaking as tears flowed freely from his eyes. He barely had a handle on it while clutching on Hinata, who had come the second she heard about Kai's situation. The girl was crying with her boyfriend but she did her best to comfort him.

"She will be okay, Takemichi-kun. Kai is very strong," she said, hoping her words would be of some comfort to him.

Emma cried, trying to stay strong for her friends and for Mikey's sake. The way her older brother looked like his emotions had died was worrying her. Draken held on to Emma as he did his best to keep the tears inside. This situation had been so fucked up.

"Any news?" Ayato spoke as she walked towards the ones that were already waiting.

Emma shook her head with a frown, "No. Not yet. She's still in surgery."

Ayato nodded her head, sparing a glance at her brother who sat quietly on a bench with his eyes vacantly looking down on the floor. She frowned. She hated seeing him like that. She really hoped that Kai would be fine.

"What happened to you?" Takemichi questioned, noticing the bruises all over Ayato's face.

"Some bastards jumped us earlier," Baji said through grinded teeth. His lip was busted with a few scratches covering his face. "They got what they deserved. Isn't that right, Kazutora?"

The boy only nodded his head. His broken nose still throbbed and made his mood turn sour after spending some time with Baji and Ayato earlier.

"Are you okay, Ayato-chan?" Hinata questioned, worried for her friend.

Ayato shrugged, "Not the first fight I've been in and won't be the last."

"The thing is though," Baji said, turning to give Draken a look, "We weren't the only ones in Toman getting jumped today."

Draken furrowed his brows together, "What?"

"Mori-kun got hit in the head and has a mild concussion. Arai-kun's arm is broken. And then theirs Smiley-san and Mitsuya-kun who both have one of their legs broken. Someone is targeting Toman," Ayato explained to her vice-commander.

"Hold on," Chifuyu cut in after remaining silent to comfort his own crying girlfriend on a bench further down. "A rival gang?"

"Yeah. Looks like that," Baji said, "They go by Tenjiku. They had weapons and everything. Fucking assholes."

"That's why it took us a while to get here and why some of us are missing," Ayato explained.

"Yeah, right."

They all turned to see Eijirou, Katsuhiro, Smiley, and Mitsuya with some other faces. Mitsuya was being pushed on a wheelchair by Hakkai, while Smiley was being pushed by Angry. Katsuhiro had his arm in a cast. Eijirou had his head bandaged up.

"What are you guys doing here? Didn't the doctors tell you all to rest?" Baji narrowed his eyes on them.

"Our boss is in critical condition. You think we could just rest?" Katushiro spoke.

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