Chapter 49 Stirred up

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April 14th, 2008

Fucking hell.

Kai knew that going to enemy territory was a risk. She shouldn't have come to the Musashi Shrine with just her and Hanma. It wasn't like she wouldn't be able to find a way to leave alive if they became hostile. It was the fact that there were people that she would hesitate to hurt. That hesitation could be her downfall. But after feeling that Takemichi had returned to the past made her mind become irrational and any risk seemed worth taking.

What was he doing back? What was so terrible about the future that he had to come back? Did he do it because of her? Did he think he needed to save her? Or save someone else? Had her plans failed? These questions kept plaguing her mind as she rode to a place that she really had no business being in. It was just that her desire to know why Takemichi had returned was far stronger than being cautious or smart.

But the second her presence was known, her body became tense. Her emotions were overwhelming her. She tried to keep her eyes on Takemichi and no one else. No one else mattered. She was only there for Takemichi. It was a quick little trip and nothing more.

She was wrong.

The fear and animosity she was subject to were what she expected. She knew that coming here would start things up but she didn't want things to turn up the way that they did. What she had hoped was that they would just insult, threaten, or leave her alone. After all, she wasn't there to start any issues. She just wanted to have a chat with Takemichi.

But it became much more than that. She thought that after being away from them for two years that she would be able to handle this kind of situation. That it would mean nothing to her. Yet everything in her was in a frenzy. She wasn't quite sure how to feel.


Much to her disappointment, her entire body reacted to her name being called by the one person that could affect her so much. Her heart sped up. Her skin felt goosebumps. It had been two years since she last saw him. Since she last heard his voice. And now she felt the pull of the desires that had been locked up within her rise up to the surface again. Two years wasted in an instant just by having her name called by him. She was all stirred up.

"I am here to speak to Takemichi. Nothing more," she said with as much venom in her voice as she could muster.

She refused to turn her body to face him. She refused to look at him. She knew that if she did, she might just reach out to him. The pull was that strong.

I should have done everything to get over these feelings when I had the chance, she scolded herself. She couldn't just give in. Not after everything she had done to get this far in her plans. She wouldn't give in to her desires. Not with what was on the line if she did.

"No one is going to stop you."

She remained silent. Her mouth felt dry as he spoke to her. His voice was a tad deeper and rougher than it used to be. It was a voice that seemed to vibrate right through her. A voice that calmed her and riled her up all at once.

It was a mistake to come here. Kai could single-handedly take down hundreds of guys with her bare hands. No one could match her strength. And that was not her being cocky or arrogant. It was the truth. The years of training with the added natural prowess that she had just made her stronger than anyone. Except one. A prodigy that was as rare as she was. Yet, he did not need to hit her to get her trembling. He didn't need to hit her to get her off balance. He didn't need to hit her to make her want to surrender.

Mikey was her one true weakness. The only one that could beat her. That was one of the many reasons why she hadn't even tried to face him for two years. She was still weak to him. If she was ever to defeat him she would have to rip out the part of her that cared for him.

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