Chapter 21 I Am Lucifer

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*** I do not own the song. Just thought it kind of fit for this chapter. Hope you all enjoy!


November 27th, 2005

"Beating up girls. Your own sister at that. Are you sure you're a man?" I questioned the giant that stood a few meters in front of me as I walked towards him with Beel and Bel walking a couple few behind at my sides.

I saw the blood on my brother's face, knowing that this giant had already attacked someone I cared about. I was also on time to see him engage in hurting his own flesh and blood. Asmodeus was right on his information. This gang was corrupted and needed to be purged.

"Who the fuck are you?" Shiba Taiju responded with a hideous glare.

"That's Lucifer, the leader of Seven Deadly Sins. Heard that he took down Rising Phoenix and took its members," I looked at the guy that spoke. Kokonoi Hajime. "Didn't think he was so small."

I stood a couple of feet in front of Taiju.

I turned to my brother, "Get behind me, Toman's First Division Captain."

He looked at me with confusion but did as he was told. He walked to stand behind me.

"Hakkai and Yuzuha. You should do the same."

"They aren't doing shit you say!" Taiju spat. He smirked, "I guess I get to kill the leader of Seven Deadly Sins today. Lucky me."

"Beel, Bel. Keep them safe."

"Right," Bel said.

"Got it," Beel responded.

Taiju began to go on the offensive. I easily evaded his punches. He wasn't fast enough for me to be worried. I could easily dance circles around him. This was the prime example of size not mattering in a fight.

"You disgust me," I said to him as I moved out of an incoming fist. "You use your strength to terrorize people. Even your own family." I grabbed hold of the outside of his arm, moving to stand behind him, back to back. "Strength should be used to protect. Protect the people that matter most to you. Not hurt them. That is why I have come. I will destroy what has become of Black Dragons." I moved again out of the way of his attack.

"Fucking fight me, coward!" he shouted in rage.

"You've tainted what Black Dragons once stood for," I continued, "For that you pay." He sent another punch, this time I grabbed the inside of his arm as I crouched down, "My turn."

I used my momentum as well as his as I pulled his arm to get him to stumble forward into my fist. With as much speed and precision as I could, my fist collided with his chest.

"Gah!" I heard him gasp out.

I watched as his pupils were pulled back into his skull as he lost consciousness. I moved out of the way of his body as it fell face first on the street.

I didn't intend on making him lose consciousness. There were still words I wanted to tell him.

I looked down at my hand. Had I become stronger? Had I lost some control over my own strength?

Whatever. I got the job done.

"Holy shit," I heard one of the Black Dragons members say. "He defeated our boss with one hit."


"The rumours were true."

I turned to the Black Dragons members, "Real men do not hurt women or those weaker than them. Especially their own damn family. They use their strength to protect their friends and family. You will all disband. Black Dragons ends now. I will not allow a corrupted version to still be run." I walked to Taiju's body and placed my boot on his head, "As you saw, I am stronger than your leader. If Black Dragons don't disband, I will be back and destroy every single one of you without mercy."

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