Chapter 14 Not According to Plan

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** Wow. I cannot believe the mass amount of support I am getting for this story. I never imagined there would be so much love for a story I wrote just for fun. I am honored and so happy to see so many people enjoy it. I finished some of my things earlier so I could write this out for you all as a thank you. I hope you continue to enjoy this story! ^-^ <3


October 31st, 2005

It was almost as if I were watching it unfold like a slow motion movie. Baji nailed Kisaki in the head with a metal rod, causing Kisaki to fly down on top of the hood of a car below. My ears were no longer registering sounds for the moment as I was stunned by Baji's actions that came out of nowhere. In the next second, the guy that had been standing next to Kisaki threw Baji down all the way to the bottom of the mountain of cars.

I watched Baji stand up as if the throw had just been a small inconvenience. My mild distraction hadn't gone unnoticed. I held the leg of an incoming kick from one of the Sixth Division's members. I quickly kicked the knee of my attacker. I heard his screams of agony as I let go of his leg, hearing a thud as he fell down in front of me.

"You bastard," the guy that I believed to be Kisaki's second growled out, "You were a distraction so that he could attack us!"

"Bold of you to assume I had anything to do with that guy's attack just now," I said to him.

I watched as Kisaki got up. It was too bad. I guess Baji hadn't hit him hard enough.

"Guess the dude with glasses must have pissed him off," I continued, turning my question to Kisaki, "What did you do?"

"This doesn't concern you," he said to me with a glare after discarding his broken glasses.

"Hm. Well, one of your guys attacked me when I hadn't been aggro towards Toman," I said. "I think I deserve an answer."

"You broke his leg."

"I had to defend myself."

It was as if we were having a standoff of words. Mikey was just sitting on his knees, watching but not saying a word. The blows to his head must have taken some of his energy and he was trying to regain it by staying low.

"How do we know you aren't working for Valhalla?" Kisaki questioned.

Is he serious? Okay. Two can play this game, bitch.

"I'm pretty damn sure you'd know if I were working with Valhalla," I said to him, his eyes widened slightly, "Isn't that right?"

"You're out of your mind."

He was trying to save himself by calling me crazy. I still had no concrete evidence but I was going to get it sooner or later. It was only a matter of time.

"I guess my intel could be wrong," I said with a shrug, "I just found it interesting that some of the former members of Moebius would join Valhalla but the rest went with Toman. Talk about a great divide there."

"You don't know anything."

In other words, you are telling me to shut up.

"I didn't agree with that part of Moebius. I even told the Commander this after saving Toman's Queen."

This... This fucking bastard.

I felt anger rise inside of me and spread throughout my body. That sick bastard had used me to get to Mikey and I let him! He even blindsided me. I should have felt something off about the whole situation.

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