Chapter 35 Heat

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**** So sorry for how late this update is. Life has been crazy but I won't bore you with the details. 

This chapter is full-on smut. If you don't enjoy that, please don't read and wait until the next update. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy it!


January 15th, 2006

Kai sat on Mikey's bed feeling embarrassed and exposed. She couldn't believe she had let Emma and Misaki talk her into it. Part of her wanted to go back into Mikey's washroom to change back but by the sound of his door opening, she already knew it was too late. Emma has distracted him enough for Kai to change but not long enough for her to change back. There was no turning back now.

Mikey sighed as he closed the door behind him after walking to his room. He didn't understand his sister insisting on asking him questions he had no interest in answering. He just wanted to get back to his room where he left Kai waiting. After proposing to her, all he wanted was to be with her and not be busy with other things.

"Sorry, Emma wanted-" Mikey's words silenced as he spotted his girlfriend on his bed.

It wasn't unusual for him to see her sitting on his bed. And it wasn't like they hadn't spent nights sleeping together on it. But it was what she was wearing that really got him speechless. He swallowed as his eyes wandered over her body.

She was wearing revealing lingerie. There wasn't much left to his imagination. The material was see-through. He could clearly see her breasts and the pink of her nipples. Dear god, he couldn't stop staring at her perfect body. It was awakening something in him that he had tried to suppress in fear he would scare her away. An animalist longing and hunger. He wanted to devour her.

"Don't stare so much," she said. He noticed the pink on her cheeks as she looked anywhere but at him, "It's embarrassing."

Mikey chuckled. He loved seeing all the different sides of Kai. He loved her confident side when she fought. Her leader side when she took control over her members. He loved her kind side. But he especially loved the sides that no one else would see but him. Seeing her suck his hard member. Seeing her blush as she wore something sexy was just alluring to him. It made him yearn to see more of the sides that he would be the only one to see.

He took long strides towards her before leaning down to tower over her. His arms holding him up on either side of her, trapping her. He bit his lip as he took in more of her appearance now that he was closer to her. Close enough to touch.

Meanwhile, Kai was mentally freaking out. Her heart was beating so fast against her chest, she could hear it through her ears. She felt like a rabbit about to be pounced on by a hungry lion. She wasn't afraid but she was feeling anxious. It would be her first time after all.

She felt gentle fingers grab her chin, lifting her head up. Her lips were claimed without another word, setting her body on fire. Just with a simple kiss from him, she was surrendering in desires that only he could provoke within her.

He pressed into her, pushing her onto her back to the bed. She invited his tongue inside her mouth as she felt one of his hands wandering her body. He pressed his body against hers, placing himself between her legs.

First, he glided his hand on the side of her ribs. Then he caressed down her thigh. She felt her body shiver from his touches. Her body reacted to him, curving her back to press herself against him even more as she moaned into the kiss. Her mind was already filled with need for him and he had only just begun.

Mikey lifted up his head to look down at Kai's flushed face.


She tried to focus her attention on his face even though her head was already beginning to fog.

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