Chapter 19 Development

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November 1st, 2005

I felt my eyes water after letting out a yawn. Last night, I couldn't stop overthinking about everything that happened the day before and the many plans involving the gang I was now leading. Seven Deadly Sins was never meant to be a long term thing. But with how the events played out, things turned up the way they did.

I hate feeling like I am deceiving everyone.

I really couldn't stop myself from feeling guilty. I knew that my intentions were pure. I was doing what I believed was the right thing in order to stop Kisaki and to help Mikey. But it still wasn't all that easy or simple.

"Are you even listening to me?"

I turned to my frowning little brother and rolled my eyes, "Yes. And I honestly don't know why you are even complaining. You said that Baji-kun is alive and Mikey didn't kill Kazutora-kun. Everything worked out in the end. Right? The future you'll go back to will be better."

His brow furrowed, "I'm not really sure about that. Everything has changed now. Toman has a new enemy and their leader might be even stronger than Mikey-kun."

I shocked my head, looking forward as we continued on our way to school, "No one is as strong as Mikey."

"So, you really weren't listening."

"I was. And I still think no one will ever beat Mikey."

He sighed, "Of course you'd say that. He is your boyfriend."

True. But also because Mikey is OP level strong.

He paused for a few minutes, "I don't think Baji-kun will be coming back to Toman."

"What makes you say that?"

"He left with Kazutora-kun and the Seven Deadly Sins."

"You think he will stay with them?"

I already knew that he did choose to stay because Ayato decided she would stay. I was surprised that Take had already figured as much.

"I don't know. But Chifuyu's taking it pretty hard."


I'd forgotten that Chifuyu was close with Baji and Ayato. It must have been a huge blow to him for losing two of his friends to another gang.

"I don't know if he will choose to stay with Toman or not."

I started to doubt my decision to continue Seven Deadly Sins. Was I making things worse rather than better? Was I pulling Toman apart instead of protecting them all?

"You think too much, Take. Everything worked out," I decided to bury it. "Everyone survived. That's what matters."

"Yeah... You're right."

I really hope so.

I really hated keeping my brother in the dark but for now, it was what I felt needed to be done.


November 15th, 2005

I was finally able to make a step at the 7S base when Toman was gathered for a meeting at the Musashi Shrine. Mikey has been true to his word of spending more time with me. He would come pick me up after school and we would hang out. Sometimes Draken would come along or one of his other friends or even my brother, other times we were alone, just the two of us. It was nice that I could have moments where I could show my affection towards him. But I often chickened out about actually saying the words that were trapped in my heart.

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