Chapter 9 Beach

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August 31st, 2005

"I feel uncomfortably exposed," I said, my arms covering my chest as I walked beside Emma. "Everyone's staring."

"Of course they are. You're hot in that bikini," she giggled, "Mikey is going to love it."

That only does not make me feel any better.

Some of the older members of Toman decided to go to the beach since summer vacation was about to end. Emma offered to lend me one of her bathing suits as I didn't have one. I regretted it. She handed me a red and black two piece swimsuit and it barely covered any of my body.

The second I left the safety of the changing room, I regretted everything. I wanted to go and hide. It was like everyone was seeing me in my underwear and I was embarrassed.

"Come on," Emma said, trying to encourage me to move faster, "I'm sure the boys are done with setting up our spot. We shouldn't make them wait too long."


"Hey, baby."

A boy that looked around our age approached us with two other boys. Two others were behind us, preventing us from escaping.

The boy smirked down at me with lust in his eyes. I felt the hairs on my skin go up and a shiver down my spine. Would I be able to fight wearing this without it falling off? I didn't exactly want to expose anymore of my body.

"Why don't you girls come have fun with us?"

"Pass," I said, "My boyfriend and his friends are waiting for us."

I grabbed Emma's wrist and tried to drag her away with me but the boy grabbed my waist and pulled me to his body. I felt a perverted hand on my butt.

I pushed him but he didn't move. I cursed at how weak this body was that I could push a guy away from me.

"Don't touch me," I hissed, struggling against him.

"Oh, I like that," he said, squeezing my butt more.

I stopped, panicking. He was enjoying the fact I was moving because our bodies were touching. I felt disgusted.

I turned to look at Emma but she was in a similar situation with a guy holding her from behind with his hand on her breast. I was pissed.

"Let them go."

Our attention went to a familiar redhead. His golden eyes staring expressionless at the men.

"Ayato," Emma called his name with fear in her voice.

His eyes turned cold, "Get your hands off them."

"Yeah? And what are you going to do about it?" the guy that held me smugly said.

"If Mikey saw you right now he would kill you all for touching his girl and his sister," Ayato said, taking a dangerous step closer towards us. "But I will settle with breaking those hands that have dared to touch them."

He was so fast. The five boys were all on the ground in seconds, screaming in agony.

"Come on," he said to us, "You'll be safe once we get to the others."

Emma began to follow him without hesitation. But I was still processing what had just happened. Were all the boys in Toman insanely strong?

I felt a soft hand grasp my hand, gently pulling me forward. I looked to see Emma as she dragged me with her, a concerned expression on her face.

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