Chapter 46 Rebirth of the Seven Deadly Sins

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A/N: First, I chose the song because it kind of fits with Kai's situation. Second, WARNING there are gruesome scenes here. Read at your discretion. Third, I had issues with writing this, but I am decently happy with how it turned out. I think. I have mixed feelings... You'll understand way... uh. So, yeah. Hope you enjoy? 


April 14th, 2006

The atmosphere could be cut by a knife. Everyone was tense as their commander stood in front of them on top of the steps of the Musashi Shrine. Everyone had been trying to find traces of Kisaki and Hanma but it was almost like they had vanished. No one could find anything about their whereabouts. And Mikey was livid.

"There are hundreds of you and yet no one has any news about those bastards?!"

The members shifted nervously. They knew that Mikey was at his limit of patience. They had never seen him so pissed off before. They all understood why though. Toman's Queen had almost died. Their unborn child was murdered. Anyone of them would be seeing red if they were in his shoes. Right?

"None of you rest until they are found!"

They were already all so exhausted with the weeks of searching. And now they were ordered to search without any rest. The captains and vice-captains knew that their members were tired. But no one would talk Mikey down. It was like talking to a brick wall. All that mattered to Mikey was finding Kisaki and Hanma who knew who the person who tried to kill Kai was. Mikey only cared about getting the one responsible for it all. He just wanted to make Kai safe again.

"You have them searching for ghosts now?"

The new voice caught everyone's attention. The members parted away, letting the newcomer walk towards where Mikey stood. Shocked whispers were heard all around. Eyes widened as they all watched Kai walking with her head held high.

Her Seven Deadly Sins jacket fluttered behind her as she moved. But she wasn't the only one moving to the front. Katsuhiro and Eijirou were on her right while Rin and Subaru were on her left. They were also wearing their Seven Deadly Sins jackets.


To say that Mikey was shocked to see his girlfriend standing in front of him was an understatement. He was filled with surprise and confusion. He didn't understand what she was doing there.

"What the hell are you doing?" Baji yelled out, stepping towards her, "You should be home where it is saf-"

"Take another step," she said, placing a hand on the handle of a katana that was clasped in her left hand, "And I'll cut you down where you stand."

Baji stopped a few feet away, taken back by her threat. No. It wasn't just the threat. The look of murder in her eyes caused him to stop. She was serious.

"Kai," Mikey took a step forward to go to his girlfriend but stopped once she turned to look up at him.

The eyes that used to be filled with affection for him were now looking at him with emptiness. He felt it. He recognized it. Kai had a dark impulse.

"I came here to make sure the message would come across without any confusion," she said to him without a sign of emotion, "I am leaving Toman and reforming Seven Deadly Sins."

"Ha?" Mikey let out, unable to say anything else.

He was filled with emotions after emotions. Confusion as to how this even happened. But mostly he was feeling the invisible daggers that penetrated his heart.

"Maybe I wasn't clear enough," she said, "I'm breaking up with you."

Mikey's pupils shrunk as he felt the daggers twisting. What did she just say? She was breaking up with him? She was leaving him? What did he do wrong? How did he mess up? He racked his brain for answers.

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