Chapter 16 Home

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"Kairi-chan! Time to wake up! You'll be late for school!"

My eyes fluttered open at the sound of my mother's voice calling out my name. My mind felt as though it were fogged up. I couldn't really form coherent thoughts as I sat up in my bed. My hands gripped the familiar red comforter.

Wait. Red?

My tired eyes wandered around my room. It took a few seconds to realize that I was in my old room. The memories I had back in the other world flashed in my mind all at once. I felt the tears threatening to spill out.

Did I die in that world and come back to mine?

I was back in my own world with my own family. I should be happy but I felt a loss I had never experienced before.

I hope Ayato is alright. And everyone else...

I truly hoped that Take would be able to change the future so that Mikey and his gang wouldn't become corrupted. I wouldn't be there to help anymore.

My heart felt like it would stop at the thought.

"Kairi-chan! Hurry up!"

My mother sounded impatient now. I quickly got up from my bed before putting on my school uniform and rushing my morning routines.

My mother had a frown on her lips when I came down the stairs.

"It's unlike you to sleep in so late. Usually you are up before us and out training. I'm disappointed. One day could set you back weeks. You need to be serious about your training if you want to be the World Champion someday."

She was right. My regular routine was to wake up at 5am to go on a run before coming back and showering before getting ready for school. To me it had been months since I took my training so seriously. Not that I was even remotely motivated in it right now. I felt like I lost everything that was important to me all at once.

"Sorry," I apologized before putting on my shoes to go to school. "Bye."


I couldn't concentrate at school. I kept thinking about the time I spent in the other world. I compared it to my real life. No one at my school would be a true friend. They were either afraid of me or wanted to be my friend because I was somewhat famous after becoming Japan's strongest martial artist. They just wanted to use me as a way to have a better reputation.


I also couldn't concentrate because Masa was no longer at this school. I went to his class but no one knew who I was even talking about. It was like Masa never existed in this world. I quite literally had no friends. I had no one to talk to about my experiences or how lost and empty I felt.

"Hanagaki-san," I turned to a classmate as they fake smiled down at me. "Want to have lunch with me?"

"Sorry," I let out, getting up from my desk, "I can't today."

I decided to skip the rest of the school day. I had no motivation to listen to lectures about poetry. I had no interest in being approached by fake people.

I found myself at the Musashi Shrine. Even in my world, it existed. I wished that I could see Mikey here with all the others. I wanted to walk up these steps and they would all greet me with smiles. But no one was there. I was alone.

If Masa and I had a doppelganger in the other world. Did Mikey and the others? Did Mikey exist in my world? I doubted that even if he did, he wouldn't be the same Mikey. Afterall, I wasn't like the Kairi of the other world.

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