Chapter 17 Mikey's Dark Impulse

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October 31st, 2005

I could hear them as I regained consciousness. I felt as though my body had been reset to a moment before I was injured by Mikey's kick. I was fully recharged and ready to take on whatever obstacle that was going to try to be in my way.

"Mikey-kun! Stop!" I heard my brother shout. "Don't do this!"

"Out of my way, Takemitchy. Or do you want to die too?" This time it was Mikey who spoke.

"He is right, Mikey. Stop," Baji said, moving closer to him.

I sat up. Watching the situation unfold before my eyes. Baji and Take stood in front of Mikey to block his way to Kazutora. I swear it was like I was seeing a shadow wrap around Mikey's body like it was controlling him like a puppet.

"You'll stand in my way too, Baji? When he is responsible for trying to take everything precious?"

I stood up, unnoticed by those around that were too preoccupied with Mikey and the others.

"Step aside," Mikey ordered the two of them, his eyes growing darker and colder, "Before I kill you both."

I could feel the murderous aura around him. It was like it was threatening to suffocate me as I approached them. It was like I was about to face the demons that were taking control of Mikey. The ones that wanted to see blood. I stood my ground with unwavering resolve. I was going to save Mikey from these demons. The darkness would not scare me away. I was going to do everything I could to reach my hand in that darkness and pull him out.

"Over my dead body," I growled out.

My eyes never left my target. If Mikey was a bloodthirsty lion ready to pounce on his prey, I was the black wolf protecting my pack. I was baring my teeth at the larger opponent, ready to strike back if the big cat went on the attack. I pay no attention to those around me.

"That's... That's impossible," Leviathan let out.

"How are you still standing?" Beelzebub added.

I ignored them all.

"Lucifer versus Michael," I challenged, earning a small glare from Mikey, "Let's see who wins."

I wasn't about to let him kill anyone. He would never be able to undo that. Even if I had to do my best to fight him off, I would do so as Lucifer. I was healed. He was still injured by Kazutora. I stood a chance here. And I was going to protect Mikey by protecting Kazutora.

Forgive me, Mikey. But this is for you.

"Are you insane?!" Beelzebub shouted, "You aren't in the condition to go after the Commander of Toman! You lost almost all your blood! You shouldn't even be standing right now!"

I died. But I won't let myself die again. I have a purpose that I will fulfill.

"I need to stop Michael from falling into his own hell," was my response. "You four know what you must do."

I ducked down as Mikey aimed a roundhouse kick to my head. I swept my feet under his other leg to get him off balance. I watched as his back hit the ground.

I turned to Baji, "You. Take Ayato. Take care of him. My guys will keep Kazutora safe."

I side-stepped away from an incoming punch to my face. I began to dance around Mikey as he attempted to land a hit on me. But he had slowed significantly. And because of his state of mind, he wasn't precise in his movements. He was moving like a feral animal, desperate to take me down. He was so focused on me that he didn't even notice as the four members of 7S took the injured Kazutora with them and Baji leaving with Ayato on his back.

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