Chapter 24 Confessions

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December 2nd, 2005


I was pulled into his chest as he held me to his body. I could hear his heart beating fast in his chest.

"I just don't want you to ever see... That side of me."

"That side of you?"

I pushed against his chest to look into his eyes. I could see the fear hiding behind his orbs.

"...My dark impulses."


I waited patiently for Mikey to continue. I managed to pull him to the L-shaped couch in his room to sit. I didn't want to push him to tell me anything he wasn't comfortable telling me. I was already shocked enough that he had opened up to me this much already. I knew it must have been difficult for him to tell me about his 'dark impulses'. And now it seemed like he had shut down after telling me.

His arms were leaning on his legs in front of him. His head was looking down like he was defeated. His hair hid most of his face from me as I sat beside him, unsure what to say to him. I hated seeing him like that.

I slowly wrapped my arms around his arm and leaned my head against his shoulder. I felt his body stiffen beneath me as he took in a sharp breath.

"I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere," I reassured him.

I felt his body slowly relax. His head leaned against mine. I closed my eyes, letting this moment sink into my memories. Was I able to comfort him just a little bit? I didn't want him to fear that I would run from him.

"I'm not as strong as you may think, Kai. I'm actually pretty weak."

Huh? I didn't understand what he was talking about. Mikey was the strongest person I knew. He wasn't weak to me.

"I can't always control it. The dark impulses inside me. I- Sometimes I-"

I could tell he was struggling finding the words to tell me. His body had relaxed but was still tense.

"I almost killed someone on Halloween."

I already knew that. I was there. Mikey was going to kill Kazutora. Even my brother told me about it. That was one possible future. A future where Baji died and Mikey killed Kazutora.

"I know."

The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them.

I added, "But you didn't."

"I wanted to," he said, "I was going to. I didn't think anyone would stop me. But I'm glad someone did."

My hand slid into his. I intertwined our fingers together. I was glad I was there that day now. I was able to stop him from losing control and doing something he could never take back. I did not want him to live a life of regrets.

"You're not afraid of me?"

I lifted my head to look at him, shaking it.

"No. I know you'd never hurt me."

Besides, I already saw this side of you. I'm not afraid of you. I want to help you.

"But I almost killed someone, Kai."

I nodded, "Yes. But you didn't. I won't let it take control over you and let it make you do things you will regret. Whatever these dark impulses are inside of you, we will fight them together. You aren't alone."

Whether it is as Kairi or Lucifer, I will stop you when you lose control, Mikey. I will protect your heart and soul.

I knew Mikey did not need me to protect his body. He was physically stronger than me. But I could protect him from letting go of what makes him who he is. I will protect him from the darkness that threatened to devour him.

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